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"What do you mean"-you
"You know what you said in the car"-Tom
You looked at him confused
"That me and you is more of a friendship thing"-Tom
You saw that he looked really sad
"It was just a joke"-you
He still wasn't answering
After a few second he finally looked up
"Oh okay I thought you were serious"-Tom
💭ok we'll now I feel bad
You set down your phone
"Sorry if I made you feel bad"-you
You said swimming over to him
"It's okay I was just wondering"-tom
You were in front of him
💭ok what do I do know
He looked back down at the was
"What about the other thing"-Tom
"What other thing"-you
"When Gustav asked if"-Tom
"If What"-you
💭I'm playing dumb I know exactly what he's gonna ask
"If you were interested in me"-Tom
"Oh yea that"-you
💭knew it
You thought about it for a second
"We'll I don't know"-you
"Would you"-Tom
He was talking about dating
You broke the silence
"We should get out there flys everywhere"-Tom
"Yea let's go"-Tom
💭ok anyways

You and Tom got out the waterYou put a towel over you You dried yourself off You and Tom took a shower one by one After you guys finished you guys watched a movie You guys were watching scary movie There was a large gap between you and Tom "Is tha...

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You and Tom got out the water
You put a towel over you
You dried yourself off
You and Tom took a shower one by one
After you guys finished you guys watched a movie
You guys were watching scary movie
There was a large gap between you and Tom
"Is that your water"-Tom
He said pointing at a water bottle next to you
He got up and grabbed it
But instead of sitting down back at his spot
He sat next to you
He was sitting on your left
He stretched
He put his arm around you
💭you've got to be kidding
You were sitting really still
Then you gave up and got comfortable
You head was resting on his shoulder
(The side of his shoulder since you guys were next to each other)
You guys continued to watch the movie
When it ended you got up really quick
It was 7:50
"I want a slushee"-you
"Yea sure let's go get one"-Tom
You guys were in your pajamas
"Let me go get a hoodie it's cold"-you
You ran up to your room
Tom was following behind
💭shit I put it in the dirty laundry
Apparently you thought that really loud because Tom said
"You can use mine"-Tom
He gave you his hoodie
💭thanks for the hoodie but I'm kinda cringing
(I'm cringing so bad right now idk why)
You put it on
💭now I smell like cologne
You put perfume on
Which smelt sweet
You and Tom left on the walk there
"My back burns"-you
"I don't know it burnt when I was taking a shower"-you
You said touching your back
You changed the subject
"I think I got misquote bites all over my back I don't know"-you
"I'll look at it when we get back"-Tom
💭wait what

You and Tom got out the waterYou put a towel over you You dried yourself off You and Tom took a shower one by one After you guys finished you guys watched a movie You guys were watching scary movie There was a large gap between you and Tom "Is tha...

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TOM X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now