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You woke up in to your phone buzzing and buzzing.
Your sister was calling you
"Hey im be out for a while did you barley wake up"
"Yea just now"
"Ok ima be with my friend Ashley we are gonna do some stuff later ima be home a bit late"
"Okayayayy my friend is coming over today maybe"
"Ok be safe bye"
She hung up
After a few instagram reels and TikTok you finally got up.
You brushed your teeth and brushed your hair.
You sister was obviously gone.
You ate breakfast and then sat down and started watching a show.
A few minutes later you went back on your phone and started watching TikToks

Then you seen a video of a concert
💭holy shit💭
It was the concert that you went to yesterday
You looked at the hashtags and seen bills name Gustavs name and georg AND TOMS
you clicked toms hashtag and seen a bunch of edit of him

Your reaction:😦

Then you got a text message from tom.
You quickly cleared the TikTok tab and then opened the message
•Hey what time do you wanna hang out at•

•what ever time works for you•

•Alr is it sleep over or just hang out•

•idk whatever you want it to be•

•ok ima pack my bag•


You got up and deep cleaned the house

After down down stairs you went up to your room and cleaned it up
You cleaned your bath room and then you were finished.
You were in joggers and a baggy shirt so you didn't really care how he seen you at the moment.
He texted you

•I'm gonna go over maybe like 5:30•
•sounds good•

You didn't even check the time when you woke up

A few hours passed but you were just on your phone and watching tv

Time:5:21 pm

You went up to your room and made sure that everything was looking good.
💭why am I worrying so much about this💭

After a few minutes someone knocked on your door.
He was here

You opened the door
You said giving him a hug


After a few minutes you guys were up in your room laying down watching tv.
You at the end of the bed while Tom was up where the pillows where.
You weren't facing him so you couldn't him

You didn't wanna admit it but you did like him just a bit

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You didn't wanna admit it but you did like him just a bit.
But every time you'd think about it you always denied it.
A few minutes later you started to get bored.
You layed back and Tom was staring at you.
"I'm boredddd"-you
"What do you wanna do"-Tom
You said laying on your stomach
"Then we can sleep for a little"-Tom
He said laying next to you
After a few seconds Tom went up by the pillows and brought out the blankets.
"Come on"-Tom
He said lifting up the blanket
You layed down next to him.
Your legs were bent facing him and he was layed on his side facing you.
Then he brand your closer to him.
He put your hand on his back and then he put his hand on your back.
Soon you both fell asleep.

You woke up and Tom was still there
You checked the time on your phone and it was 7:52 pm

You let go of Tom and he woke up.
You were hungry so you went tot he bath room and brushed your teeth again and then went down stairs to get water.
You came back up and Tom was on his phone.
You layed next to him and drank some water.
You put the water right in between you guys
He picked up the water bottle and drank out of it.
"I wanna order food"-you
"If you order food can I pay"-Tom
"Mmmm no"-you
You said sitting up
You said opening the door dash app

After a few minutes of Tom begging to pay you let him.
"Fine but next time I wanna pay"-you

He ordered food and it was coming in 15 minutes
You were on your phone when a TikTok video came up.
The video was about 2 friends going on top of the roof and watching movies and eating upthere.
"Hey we should do this when the food gets here"-you
"Do you have a ladder?"-tom

"Idk I think I seen one in the garage"-you
"Ok then we can do it"-tom
The window to your room led to a balcony and next to the balcony you could jump on the roof and get up

When the food got here you guys started to go up.


You guys were on the roof
(I know it's late but let's just say it was sunset time or wtv)
You guys finished eating.
"Want gum?"-tom
He said pulling out a pack of gum front his pocket
"Yea sure"-you
He handed you a piece
You guys were up on the roof watching movies.
"I just realized how high up we are right now"-Tom
He sat up
"Yea same"-you
You said sitting up
Then he got up and sat more next to you.
You guys were just there sitting in silence looking around.
Then Tom turned to you.
He started to look at your eyes then your lips
He started to lean in
Then you got a notification
You looked down at you phone
It was a message from instagram
You checked it some company messaged you.
You ignored it and set your phone down
Tom looked mad
"What's wrong"-you
Then you can see his anger went away.
He looked up at the sky.
Then back down

Then he looked at you.
Then he leaned in and kissed you ON THE LIPS
He grabbed your waist and pulled you in
After the kids he just smiled at you
You had butterflies
Then you looked at him and then you leaned in
You kissed him
He was now holding on to your cheek
(Like where your ear is but your cheek idk if this makes sense and he was resting his hand there btw)
After the kiss you guys cleaned up and went back inside.
You layed down and he layed down next to you.

He got comfy and held your waistAnd rested his head on your shoulder

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He got comfy and held your waist
And rested his head on your shoulder.


TOM X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now