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You guys went to the theatre room quietly
You saw the gym door was open.
"You have a gym?!"-tom
"Yea I don't really use it but I have to start to"-you
"No you don't"-Tom
He said walking in
He looked around then you guys went to the theatre room
"Ok what's it on prime?"-you
You went on prime video and put on the movie
You guys started it all over.
Tom had a blue raspberry slushy with him
"Want some"-Tom
"Yea but I need a straw"-you
"It's fine just use mine"-Tom
You looked at him
You drank some of the slushy
You gave it back to him
"This movie is three hours"-Tom
"Yep so you better get comfy"-Tom
He said putting a blanket on you
You guys were on separate couches
He was behind you and you were in the front
You played the movie

You guys were on the part where the sully family goes to the other clan
You looked at the time
It was 9:26
You turned around to look at Tom
"Where did you get sunglasses from"-you
You said laughing
"I don't know they were just in my pocket"-Tom
He said laughing
You turned back around
You continued to watch the movie
The movie was pretty good so you were focused
About another 20 minutes into the movie Tom offered you more slushy
You took some and gave it back
Now an hour into the movie you wanted something
You got up and went to the snack bar
You got a nerds rope for you and got Tom some air heads ropes
You have then to him
You saw down and ate your candy

the movie was at the part where they are having neteyams funeral
After the movie ended
You got up and picked up your trash
Tom helped fold the blankets
"What time is it"-you
He checked the time
"It's 11:36"-Tom
"I'm so tired"-you
"Me too"-Tom
You guys packet everything up
You honestly didn't want to go to his house
💭no no no I don't wanna go
You guys walked to his house
You guys went up to his room and he un did his bed so you guys can lay down
After a few minutes of being there you got more comfortable
You layed down and went on your phone
He sat next to you
You were just scrolling through Instagram when you guys heard someone come up the stairs
Someone opened Tom room
"Hey tom-"-bill

(ISNT HE JUST SO DREAMY🥰😻)He stopped and looked at you"Hey y/n"-bill"Hii"-you"What do you need"-Tom"I need your help"-bill"With what"-Tom"Does this look good"-billHe entered the roomHe was showing Tom his outfit"Actually no y/n come"-billYou got...

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He stopped and looked at you
"Hey y/n"-bill
"What do you need"-Tom
"I need your help"-bill
"With what"-Tom
"Does this look good"-bill
He entered the room
He was showing Tom his outfit
"Actually no y/n come"-bill
You got up
You followed bill to his room
Bill opened his closet
"Do you have a belt"-you
He showed you the bets he had
"Oh wear this"-you
You pulled out a belt and gave it too him
"And this"-you
You took out a jacket
"Anndd this"-you
You took out different pants
"Change and then come show me"-you
You walked out of bill room and went back to Toms
You sat down on the bed
You were texting your old friend from school talking about drama that had happened at her school when bill walks in
"Ok I Like this way better"-bill
"Yessss that looks good"-you
You got up
You fixed his jacket
"Thank you"-bill
He said jumping up and down
He left
You sat back down on the bed
"Lay down"-Tom
"You going to bed already?"-you
"Yea I'm tired and we have school tomorrow"-Tom
"I forgot about that"-you
"It's fine it's a short day"-Tom
You layed down and he turned off the light
You guys went to sleep

TOM X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now