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You set down your water bottle and went to go get a blanket and some pillows from your closet.
You heard him open his water bottle and then he opened another one.
💭he opened mine for me💭
You went back to your bed and made it comfy.
He got up and gave you space.
When you were finished making it comfy you layed down.
You went to the corner side
By the window

You went to the corner sideBy the window

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He sat down.
"Lay down"-you
You put a pillow next to you and put the blanket up.
(To show that he can lay next to you idk how to explain it)
He later down right next to you.
You covered him with blanket and you brought out your tablet.
You went on YouTube and started to watch dance mom(#DanceMomsforlife✌🏼😛)
He started watching it with you.
After a few minutes pasted you felt his hand start to move.
You looked down at him
His head was resting on the pillow next to you but his head was also on your shoulders
His eyes were closed.
You looked at his hand
It was on your stomach the he wrapped his arm around your waist.
He stopped right there.
You started to feel nervous
💭holy shit💭
You were secretly freaking out but you wanted him to rest so you kept quiet.
💭so is he sleeping over?💭
💭holy shit the tour is tomorrow💭
You didn't know whether to wake him or to let him sleep.

You let him rest.
It was barley 5:23pm anyways.
You continued to watch your show.

After a few minutes you felt his hand moving again.
💭ok is he awake or asleep💭
Is started to move down
It stopped right at your thigh
After another 30 minutes pass he wakes up.
"What time is it"-Tom
After he heard that he got up.
"Ima go to the rest room"-Tom
After he left your jumped up and went over to your phone.
And went to sit down.
He came out after 2 minutes.
"Want some food"-y/n
He didn't answer

He just payed back down and put his arm around your waist again.
Your orders McDonald's you got fries and a McFlurry and you got him fries McFlurry and nuggets.
You put your phone back down.
You were about to pick up the tablet when he grabbed it and set it behind him.
He held out his hand.
You put your hand in his and he put your arm around him hugging him.
💭oh he wants to sleep💭
You got up adjusted your self and then hugged him.
He looked up at you.
You got butterflies.
His eyes were looking at your eyes and then your lips.
You did the same back.
You grabbed your phone and instead watched dance moms on there.
He was still staring
He then leaned in and kissed your cheek.
He put his cheek to you
You kissed his cheek
You looked back at your phone.
And continued to watch your show
After a few minutes you heard a car pull up.
You got a notification.
The food was here
You got up and went down stairs.
You waited till they dropped of the food and drove off.
You opened the door and grabbed the bag and went back up stairs.
You saw Tom sitting up.
"Where did you go"-Tom
"Go get the food"-y/n
"Yea but I'm okay I'm back"-y/n
You said
He opened his arm for a hug.
You set down the food on your vanity and went to the bed and gave him a hug.
He held it there for a while.

(😻)He let go after a few seconds and then he got up

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He let go after a few seconds and then he got up.
You grabbed his hand and led him downstairs.
You guys sat down next to eat other at the dinning table.
"I could have paid"-Tom
You rolled your eyes
You handed Tom his food and ice cream and you your fries and ice cream.
"Are you not eating?"-tom
"Yea I am"-y/n
"Your only eating that?"-tom
"Yea I only wanted fries and ice cream"-y/n
"Have my nuggets"-Tom
"No I don't want them"-y/n
He rolled his eyes.
He didn't eat the nuggets he left them there.
After you guys ate you were just ok your phone when you got up to go to your room.
He saw you get up and immediately got up and followed you.

Up in your room you and him were laying back down.
His head was on your stomach and your hand was on his back.
The blanket covered both of you so you guys were comfy.
By then it was already 8:23
"Tom you should go your gonna miss the tour tomorrow"-Tom
He shook his head no.
He put his hand on your waist.
"Come on"-y/n
He didn't respond
"I'm going to call bill come on"-y/n
"You don't even know his number"-Tom
You grabbed give phone and said hey Siri.
You called bill and he picked up.
"Bill can you come get Tom before he misses the tour tomorrow"-y/n
"Yea you guys still at your house?"-bill
Tom snatched the phone.
"No don't come get me  it doesn't start until like 9:00 at night either way"-Tom
"Okay fine"-bill
💭he's sleeping over😃💭
He hung up
Tom looked at you and then went back to bed.
You honestly didn't mind because your sister wasn't gonna be there tomorrow.
You texted her
•hey my friend is sleeping over•
After 3 minutes she replied
•okay that's fine•

You put your phone to charge.
"If your staying here your gonna let me do a face mask on you"-y/n
"If you do it I'll let you sleep over tomorrow as well"-you said getting up
He looked up.
He rolled his eyes.
He got up
💭how did that work💭

Let me know if you guys like it so far and comment suggestions!!!!🎸

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