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You tried on the dress at home and it fit perfectly.
You took photos in it.
You called your mom and dad to tell them the new and they said they wish they were there.
Your mom said she would call the stylist over there on the morning of the premiere.

You and Tom haven't talked since he went over last.
He did text you a few times though.

"Wake up like around 6:30 so the stylist can come do your makeup and then the other one can come by to do your hair"-sister
Your sister said before you were gonna go to bed.

You woke up because of your alarm.
You got up brushed your teeth and then showered.
You blow dried your hair and then waited till 7:00.
At 7:00am the makeup arts came.
You explained the theme of the premiere and he showed your some ideas
He started to do your makeup at 7:26 and he ended at 8:36
You guys didn't have much time so the hair stylist came over a few minutes later.
He did your hair and it took almost 2 hours.

He did your hair and it took almost 2 hours

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After they came and left your sister came down
"I like it just I don't really like the makeup"-sister
"We'll deal with it because it took so long"-you
You went to go change into your dress.
"Ima go out and come back in maybe 2 hours I have to go to my school and do a lot of missing work"-sister
"Okay be carful"-you
She left.

Not even 30 minutes had passed when she left and Tom was already over at your house.
He knocked on the door.
You opened the door.
He gave you a hug
"It looks so good"-Tom
"Thank youuuu"-you
Tom said kissing your cheek
After a few minutes you both decided to go over to toms house so go choose his outfit
You were exited to see his room
As soon as you walked in you seen a lot of Instruments.
You seen drums and a lot of guitars.
And as soon as you went upstairs with him you heard drums being played and singing.
"They're rehearsing don't mind them"-Tom
When you walked into his room you immediately got the smell of Calone.
His room was maybe the same size as your Tom but his was a bit bigger.
It was very clean and there were albums guitars and poster hung up.
He opened his closet and you were in shock.
He just laughed
After a few minutes of looking at clothes.
Someone opened the door
"Tom where my hair spra-"-bill
Bill walked in.
"Huh usually your at her house anyways where's my hairspray"-bill
"In the bathroom on the counter"-Tom
Bill walked out.
Then the door opened again
"Where are you guys going looking so nice"-bill
"A premiere"-Tom
(Ima switch it up you can bring as many ppl as you want)
"Do you guys all wanna go"-you
Bill Gustav and Georg went in the other room to think about it.
Then ended up choosing yes and they started to change.
Back in toms room
You guys started to choose an outfit.
You took out a shirt with a design on it.
What was the design?
You couldn't even tell
Tom like the shirt so he started to change .
"What are you doing"-you
You said as Tom started to take off his shirt
He said pausing
"Don't you want me to like get out the room"-you
"No it's fine"-Tom
He said taking off his shirt and changing it.
Then someone else opened the door.
It was Georg
"What's the theme"-Georg
"It's black you idiot she's wearing a black dress"-Gustav
"It's black"-you
"Told you!"-gustav
Gustav yelled as Georg closed the door.
You looked back at Tom and he already changed his pants.
"And like what white shoes?"-tom
"Yea try white"-you
He put on the white shoes and you thought it looked good.
"Ok now hat"-Tom
Tom said walking over to the closet
He opened a door and all you seen was a huge collection of hats.
He picked out a black one and then looked at you.
"Like this"-Tom
"Let me try it with a white hat maybe"-Tom
He put on a white hat and you liked that way better

TOM X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now