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He sat next to you
You went on your phone.
"There's a play ground wanna go?"-tom
"Yea sure"-you said turning off your phone.
He got up and reached his hand out to help you up
You got up and you two started walking.
While walking your guys hand were touching as you swung then walking.

Your hand wasn't  moving to his so that meant his hand was moving to yours.
You just held his hand.
(When I say held or grabbed it mean like interlock fingers or just hold them idk if this makes sense)

You guys got to the park and Tom went to the swings.
You followed him and went on one and started to swing.
After the swing you wanted to go up the slide.
You got up and started walking over there.
He went up the slide first and then you
He was watching to see if you were ok
You sat down on the entry of the slide and Tom went back down and waited for you down the slide
You slid down.
"Come on let's go down together"-Tom
You guys went back up
You sat down first and Tom sat behind you.
He put his hands on your waist.
When you guys went down he layed down.
(You guys were still at the end of the slide just he layed down so you were still in front of him laying on his stomach but looking up idk if I make sense)
You guys were just there
Then you sat up
After a few second he sat up too.
Then he hugged you
(Sorta like this)

Then he hugged you (Sorta like this)

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You just sat there after a few seconds you got up and ran to a bridge
But there was no stairs
"How do you work this"-y/n
Tom got up
"Look like this"-Tom
He turned you around so you would face him.
He picked you up and sat you down on the thing.
💭why does he keep picking me up💭
He just looked at you.
After you just got up again and started to walk to the bridge.
"Be carful"-Tom
"I know,come up with me"-y/n
He got up.
Then you continued walking to the bridge
You walked onto the bridge and Tom right behind you.
After the bridge it led you to a balancing thing.
You just looked back.
Tom back right behind you.
"Here I'll hold onto you"-Tom
He grabbed you waist
There was a thing to hold onto so you crossed the thing pretty quick.
Then you had to jump off.
Tom went first and then you did.
"Ok where now"-y/n
"Let's go over here"-Tom
He took to you a sip line thing
He sat down on it
But there was no more space.
You pushed him and he went to the other side.
Then he came right back
(It's like a zip line but you have to sit on it and if someone pushes you you go flying to the other side and then back yk)
He got of them you went on it
He pushed you and you went flying to the other side then back.
"Ok now together"-Tom
"How it's only for one"-y/n
"Just sit on my lap"-Tom
He sat down.
Then He looked at you
"Come on"-Tom
He patted his hand on his lap gesturing you to sit down.
💭this is just great...💭
You sat down ON HIS LAP BRO
Then he pushed both of you guys with a kick from a pole
You guys went to the other side then back.
You got off really quickly and then after he did.
You two just looked at each other.
"Should we go back inside and see what everyone is doing"-Tom
Tom said breaking the silence

TOM X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now