Come over

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You just looked back down.
You looked up at him.
"How have you been"-Tom
"Pretty good,you?"-y/n
"Good,sorry it's awkward"-Tom
"It's fine I also have been avoiding you because you moved in next to me"-y/n
"Holy shit really?"-tom
"Yea I seen you in your drive way and ran inside"-y/n

After a few minutes the lady said the papers were ready and to just go to the next building over to get them.
You guys went out the school and started to walk to the other building.
You were just following him since you were new and you were pretty sure he's been at that school for a while.
You guys were walking and Toms hand touched yours.
You both looked at each other but as soon and he looked at you,you looked away.
When you guys got there he opened the door for you and then you both walked in.
You walked up to a printer and grabbed the history papers.
And you guys both walked out.
"So are you coming the the tour"-Tom
"Yea I'm pretty sure my parents are not even here because of there jobs and my sister just stayed at home"-y/n
You guys walked to the other building
"Need help"-Tom
"No im good"-y/n
Then he grabbed the papers from your hands and carried them for you.

You guys walked and and he held the door for you while carrying the papers.
You guys walked down the hallway and he opened the door again for you.
Tom said handing the papers to the teacher.
You both sat down.
"Ok I know we Are in the middle of the year but I want you guys to pick up your stuff and stand in the back of the class new seating chart"-teacher
Everyone groaned.
You got up and picked up your things.
Everyone went to the back of the class.
You weren't paying attention but he called your name.
"Y/n and Tom you two sit back here"-teacher.
You looked at Tom.
You both walked over to the seat and you both sat down.
Tom was smiling.
"You look happy"you said sarcastically.
"We sit in the very back of the class we can do anything back here"-Tom
"You realized that the desk you guys sat at were allllll the way in the back of the class room next to the door

You smilled.
After that was finished you guys had to take more notes.
The bell rang.
"What class do you have next"-Tom
"I don't know I think I have languages arts"
"Same let's walk together"-Tom
You and tom left the class room
When you and him walked out together people were giving you weird looks.
"Why are people giving us looks?"-you asked
He looked at you and liked around.
He seen that people were looking not at him but at you.
He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him.
You didn't say anything.

When you guys got to class he put his stuff on the desk and grabbed two chairs.
He sat down.
He noticed you weren't sitting down so he grabbed your arm and pulled you to the chair.
You sat down.
The teacher began to talk about how to write a correct sentence when Tom put his hand on your thigh.
You looked at him.
"You had a string on your thigh"-Tom
You expected him to put his hand back on the table but he just left it resting there.
You didn't mind because it wasn't anything back but also you barley got there.
You looked around the class room to see if anyone was looking and 2 girls were looking at YOU.

The teacher stopped speaking.
"Y/n come talk to me"-teacher.
You looked at Tom.
You got up and went to the teachers desk.
"Okay so I know your new and all so I was just wondering if wanted to move seat or anything"-teacher.
You looked at Tom.
You seen he was moving your chairs closer to his.
You turned back.
"No that's okay I like where I sit"-you
"Okay tell me if you need anything"-teacher.
"Okay thank you"-you said walking away.
When you went to sit back down the chair was right next to his.
You looked at him and he smiled at you.
You sat down.
You felt your leg touch his and your sweater touched his arm.
You looked back at those girl.
They were looking at you.
Giving you a mean look.
You looked away.
"They're just jealous of you"-Tom
"I'll tel you later"-Tom
"Ok class the rest of the time is yours please keep it down"-teacher
While the teacher was saying that he put his arm ours your chair.
You went on your computer and you and Tom just started watching YouTube
After 40 minutes the bell rang.
"Why are the classes so short"-you asked.
"Sometimes we will have short classes usually for assembly's so we are having one today"-Tom
You nodded your head.
"Can I see your schedule"-Tom
You opened your backpack and handed his your schedule
He took the paper.
"You have all your classes with me"-Tom
"Ok next we have Math"-Tom
You guys started to walk down the hallway
When a girl stopped you.
"Don't fall for it he's a player"
The girl said then walked away.
"Stfu Zoey"-Tom
He grabbed your hand and you guys continued walking.
You said.
"What did she me-"
"I'll tell you when we get there"he said rushing.
You guys got in there.
He sat down and you put a chair next to him.
You sat down and as soon as you did he grabbed the chair leg and pulled the chair closer to him.
You started to blush.
"Your blushing"-Tom
You looked away
"Ok so"-Tom
"I dated a few people at this school and Zoey is one of them she was my first,and every time she sees me with a girl she gets jealous those girl in the language arts room are kiara and Kayla they are Zoey friends.That's why they were looking at you"-Tom
"Oh"-you said.
"I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore"-Tom
He said grabbing your hand.
"No that's fine what's she gonna do?"-you said.
"Ok class we have a new student with us you can sit where everyone you want y/n since your new.Okay get a book from the shelf and go to page 424 and do that for the rest of class since today class is gonna be short"-teacher.
The door opened

TOM X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now