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You got up and went your bathroom.
He was following right behind you.
You bring out a basket full of things.
You went back to you room.
"Ok lay down"-y/n
He gave you a 🤨 look
"Ok stop it"-y/n
He layed down and then you grabbed random stuff from the basket and put it on his face.
(idk what else to write so ima just skip this)
"When can I take this off my face"-Tom
"I barley put it on you"-y/n
"Well at least lay down"-Tom
You layed down right to him.
There was a gap between you guys.
You just went on your phone.
"It's cold"-y/n
"Yea it's a bit cold"-Tom
Then you seen him started moving closer to you.
He took a blanket from the end of your bed and put it on you.
💭let me at least put some on him since he's also cold💭
You put some blanket on him.
After a few minutes.

"Ok we can go take it off now"-y/n
He said rushing to your bathroom.
"It might hurt"-y/n
You followed him.
When you walked in he already had had of it off.

A few minutes later

"Ok now wash your face"-y/n
He did
After all that you wanted to go back outside.
"Your going out again?"-tom
"Yep"-you said putting shoes on
"Want me to go with you?"-tom
You shrugged your shoulder
You walked out
You knew he was gonna follow you
You went downstairs and then heard footsteps behind you.
I knew it

You went out side
You turned around and he was right behind you.
You stopped walking and put your hand out.
He grabbed your hand and you both continued walking.
When you got there he carried you up and then he went on.
You guys started jumping.
You guys were playing around when you got a text on your phone.
•hey ima come home a bit late because one of my friends want to go eat after the carnival•
(She barley got here and she has friends already🤨)
You put your phone away and you guys continued jumping.

You guys went back inside.
At this point it was already 9:26
"Let's go back inside?"-y/n
Tom went down first and then you.
He helped you down.
You guys went back inside and then up to your room.
"I'm bored what do we do now"-y/n
"Should we go to sleep"-Tom
"It's to early"-y/n
"Let's just watch tv or something"-y/n
You wen up stairs to your room and you turned on the tv
You layed down.
Tom layed down RIGHT next to you
You started to get comfy and he layed his head on your stomach.
He put his arm around your waist and you put your left arm on his back.
You started to look for a movie to watch.
(You guys can choose the show/movie idk a lot of shows)
(Ima just choose a scary movie)
You put the conjuring on and you guys started watching it.

During the movie Tom was moving around a lot.
Then he sat up.
You didn't look at him because you knew that he would do something.
Then as soon as you thought that you looked.
Then he layed down and with his arm he pulled you onto his stomach.
You just put your arm around him
Then you felt his hand on your back.
(Idk if this is making sense)
He covered you with blanket.
And you guys continued watching the movie.

1 hour later
When the movie ended you guys decided to get ready for bed.
You fixed the bed and Tom helped you.
You put your phone next to you and layed down facing the wall.

You put your phone next to you and layed down facing the wall

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TOM X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now