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You noticed the clouds looked grey.
"I think it might rain"-you
"Should I go get an umbrella"-bill
"Sure hurry"-Tom
You looked at the weather on your phone and as you thought it was gonna rain in 20 minutes.
Bill came back.
You guys started walking
You guys just had random conversations.
"Oh yeah and then Peyton said well if you don't get out of my face something will happen,and then Sarah said do it then,and then the teacher split them up"-bill
"When did this happen"-Tom
"First period"-bill
"Dang but I thought they were friends I seen them in the hall a few times"-you
"Yea but Sarah admitted to liking Peyton ex boyfriend and then they started to ignore each other because Peyton got really mad"-bill
You guys got to the park after a few more minutes.
You guys saw a lot of ducks
The park hang a swing set a slide a bridge going across a small lake where the ducks were too
You and bill ran to the swings.
Bill sat down and you started pushing him.
Tom just watched you guys.
"I wanna try jumping off"-bill
"Your gonna break your arm bill"-you
"No I'm not"-bill
You sat down on a swing set.
You and bill started to see who can swing higher when it started to rain.
"Great now we have to go back"-bill
"No it's fine let's just go look at the ducks really quick and then we can go"-tom
Bill opened the umbrella and you went under it with him.

"Great now we have to go back"-bill"No it's fine let's just go look at the ducks really quick and then we can go"-tomBill opened the umbrella and you went under it with him

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Tom was getting wet so while you guys were walking you pulled tom inside the umbrella.
It then started raining really hard
"Ok let's go home ducks aren't worth it rn"-bill
"Yea let's go"-tom
You guys started to walk home
When you guys got home 4 minutes later you said bye to them.
You went inside.
"Hey back that quick?"-sister
"Yea can't you hear outside it's raining"-you
"I can't hear the tv is way to loud"-sister
Then it started thundering.
"Good thing we came back"-you
You said as the rain got louder.
You went up to your room.
You grabbed your computer and some head phones and went Back downstairs.
You went on YouTube and started to watch Sam and Colby on the computer
After watching some of there old videos you went to click on another one when your sister threw a pillow at you.
You took off the head phone.
"What was that for"-you
"You phones ringing"-sister
You looked at your phone.
It was scam likely
You hung up.
You put the headphone back on and continued watching YouTube.
After about 1 hour and a half passed .
You sister walked up to you
"Ima go to the theatre room to watch another movie come if you want"-sister
"Ok ima be down in a sec"-you
You shut your computer.
You went up to your room and got blanket.
When you enter your room you have a clear view of Toms room
As soon as you entered you seen him sitting down at his desk.
You only got a view of his back and his hair.
You grabbed the blanket quick and then left.
You didn't want him seeing you since you looked really dumb.
You went back downstairs and into the theatre room.
You sister was ok YouTube.
"Put Sam and Colby on"-you
You said dropping the blankets and walking to the snack bar.
She put one of there old video on since those were the funniest.
You opened one of the cabinets and grabbed a pop corn bag.
You put it in the microwave and then waited.
"Tomorrow you can walk with your friends to go get Chick-fil-A or McDonald's ima put 50 dollars in your card,I'm not gonna be here until like 7:00 tomorrow"-sister
After a few mir second the popcorns was DONT you took it out the micro wave and sat back down.
You guys started to watch the videos for another hour.

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