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You both fell asleep

You woke up in the middle of the night.
It was 2:57am
You look at Tom and he was still asleep.

You fell back asleep

Then you woke up to Tom on his phone.
You looked at the time and it was 7:26am

He saw that you woke up.
"Good morning"-Tom
You didn't answer.
You just switched sides and faces him and hugged him.
You were still awake you just were laying down there.

"Why are you up so early"-you
"I don't know sometimes I just wake up early for no reason"-Tom
You nodded your head.

"Why are you up so early"-you"I don't know sometimes I just wake up early for no reason"-TomYou nodded your head

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You guys were in this position ^^^
But he was on his phone

After a few minutes you guys were watching a movie on his phone.
In the middle of the movie you checked you phone.
You went on instagram
You went onto messages and seen that that company texted you
You read it
"Holy shit"-you
You said sitting up
Tom pushed the movie and sat up
(You were in the movie scream and the black phone)
You handed the phone to Tom
"Holy shit"-Tom
It was the premiere in 3 days and they were gonna have a red carpet.
"It's for scream"-you
You called your sister
"BRO I just got invited the the premiere of scream"
"I can take you if you want"
"Okay ima take my friend"
You said looking at Tom
"Ok maybe tomorrow we can go look for a dress"
"Do I have to wear a dress"
"Yes your gonna look stupid"
"But I don't like tight clothes"
"We'll deal with it byeeee"
You saw laying down
"It's fine I've never seen you in a dress before"-Tom
He said smirking at you
You pushed him and he landed where he was laying down.
He just laughed
"Shut up your going to"-you
You said getting comfy
"What am I gonna wear"-Tom
"Just Go how you dress"-you
"But it's a premiere it's fancy"-Tom
"It's fineee you look good in baggy clothes"-you
He just look at you.
He started to play with his lip ring
He kissed your cheek
"Okay let's get up"-Tom
You guys got ready brushed your teeth
You guys didn't change you guys just stayed in your pjs.
"Ok I think I know what I'm wearing to the premiere"-Tom
"Show me"-you

"Yea I Like that I'll just find like a black dress to match it"-you"People are gonna think we are dating if we match"-TomYou just looked at himHe looked at you You broke the eye contact with you laying on the bed and him following you

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"Yea I Like that I'll just find like a black dress to match it"-you
"People are gonna think we are dating if we match"-Tom
You just looked at him
He looked at you
You broke the eye contact with you laying on the bed and him following you.
You layed down and he layed next to you

You guys were laying down like this and he was helping you looked for dresses"What about this one"-you"Yea I Like that one"-Tom

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You guys were laying down like this and he was helping you looked for dresses
"What about this one"-you
"Yea I Like that one"-Tom

You guys were laying down like this and he was helping you looked for dresses"What about this one"-you"Yea I Like that one"-Tom

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"Yea I Like this one should I get it"-you
"Wait what's that one"-Tom

"I like this one toooooo"-you"Which one are you getting"-Tom"I don't know which one do you like"-you"I like the _____one"-tom(You guys can choose)"Ok later today my sister can come with me to go pick it up"-you

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"I like this one toooooo"-you
"Which one are you getting"-Tom
"I don't know which one do you like"-you
"I like the _____one"-tom
(You guys can choose)
"Ok later today my sister can come with me to go pick it up"-you

Tom left after a few hours and then your sister came home an hour later.
"You ready to go look for that dress"-sister
"Yea I chose it already"-you
"Let me see"-sister
You showed her the dress Tom chose
"Oh yea I like that one but why black"-sister
"I just thought it would go best since you know it's scream and I'm pretty sure everyone is going in black"-you
"That's true okay get changed let's go get it"-sister
You changed and you guys left.
In the car you sister said
"So who's your friend your taking"-sister
"I know it's tom"-sister
"How did you find out"-you
"I've got my ways....and we have a camera in the back yard"-sister
"So you seen us on the trampoline"-you
"And how do you know his name"-you
"Do you live in a hole or something...TOKIO HOTEL????!!!!!!"-sister
"Your literally hanging out with someone in a band how would I not know his name"-sister
"So your not mad?"-you
"Yep I'm not mad just are you guys together"-sister
"No but he did..."-you

You explained how he kissed you and how he's always scooting your chair closer to him,and how he's always carrying you.And you told her about him kissing you on the cheek at school
"We'll are you guys dating or not"-sister
"Ok let's talk about something else,you"-you
"What about me"-sister
"Your always out the house why and you always with your friend"-you
"Ok we'll first of its not a boy second off I have a lot of my classes with her and third off she is the girl I used to hang out with back in Arizona"-sister
"I haven't seen her in a awhile"-you
When you guys got there you guys went into the mall and looked for the store.
When you guys found the store you walked in and started looking for the dress
After a few minutes
"FOUND IT"-sister
You walked over to her and seen the dress.
You guys bought it.
And went back home


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