Sal Fisher P.O.V

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Sal woke up and looked at his clock. It showed the time 5:30 A.M. He groans. He had to wake up early on a beautiful Saturday. He never gets up this early unless it's for school. "School was yesterday." He thinks. "Why did I have to wake up at 5 A.M. on a Saturday?!" He stops complaining to himself in his head. He decides to get dressed. After all, it's Saturday and he got up early. What else would he do? He can't go back to sleep. He's already awake now. He isn't tired anymore. He grabs his phone off the charger and sees Larry texted him. He looks at his missed messages.

Larry: Sal

Larry: Sal u awake?

Sal: I am now.

Larry: Ok good.

Sal: What'cha need?

Larry: Come to my room, now.

Sal: OK, why?

Larry: Just do it Sally

Sal: Fine. Omw

Sal grabs his key. He looks around for anything else he might need or just want to carry around with him. He sees his dad's old pocket knife he gave him. He grabs it. He gets this weird feeling he might need it today, but he can't quite place why he feels this way. He shrugs it off. He heads towards Larry's apartment.

When Sal gets there, he quickly notices a difference in the vibe. It feels off. In a really bad way. He thinks about it more. What if this is why he felt he might need the knife? He quickly pushes away the idea of murder and needing the knife for self defense. He tries the front door and quickly notices it's locked. "That's weird," he thinks "something is wrong here. I can go in Larry's back door."

So Sal heads that way.

Sal finally gets to the tree house. He sees a blonde hair boy with Todd inside the tree house. He quickly and quietly runs to the tree house. He quickly climbs the long ladder up to the tree house. He finds the 2 boys inside the tree house shook up. The blonde boy is Travis Phelps. Travis bullies Sal and his friends, so why is he here? He pushes that thought away. "Sal? Thank God your here. Larry and Ask are inside with Lisa dealing with an armed intruder. Larry and Ash told us to cone out here. Larry left his door unlocked. You should probably get a weapon and go help them." Todd says in a rushed and scared but calm tone. "I've got a pocket knife. Will that work? I know where I can find a shovel and some other stuff." Sal reassures his ginger friend. "Yea take the knife and shovel." Travis says nothing. "He's probably in shock." Sal thinks.

"Sal..." Travis finally says, "Be careful. It's not as calm in there as you might think... It's..." He stops. "Travis? Are you OK? I'm kinda worried about you. I will be careful and I will help them. When I get out I'll come out here and get you guys. I'll be back." Sal says. Travis only nods a yes then a no to answer Sal's questions. Todd only nods a yes. So, Sal goes inside...

Wow, that was a total of 530 words... I'll try to update when I can. I won't be able to until next Monday. Hope you enjoyed! <3

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