Larry and Travis Bond

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(Shout-out to my cousin Mx.meow for collabing with me on this! Go read their stories and follow them. They are an amazing writer and person. I'm so lucky to have them. Love ya cousin! -aidz)

Travis' P.O.V.

Travis and Larry formed a perfect plan, or so they thought. Travis knew the church's layout like he knew his own last name. Travis would lead Larry around the church on Wednesday. Travis would be helping the tiny tots on Wednesday church services, so it'd be perfect. If they were caught, Larry takes the blame. Larry said he would. Travis thought about Sal. He kinda missed the bluenett. Wait no. He couldn't be thinking that! Travis couldn't. (TW! F slur, SH, suicide, and a few more i think. Im not good with TWs. If your not comfortable with it skip to where it says TW ends -Aidz) Travis couldn't be a fag. His father would kill him. But what if Travis was a fag? Would he kill him? What if he just moved in with Sal? What about his mother? Kenneth would surely find Zenna. Travis was quickly flooded with these terrible and awful thoughts. Larry quickly snapped him out of it. (TW ends here. -aidz)Travis?

"Hey Travis, you can stay with me and my mom until all of this is over." The older teen said.

"Really? I mean, after everything I've done to you guys? I don't deserve this at all." Larry knew Travis was right, but seeing how Sal was comfortable and committed to helping him, Larry knew he had to trust Sal's instincts.

"Yeah, heh. Sal sees something in you, and I've gotta respect that. But I honestly think you're not a bad dude. You're just scared of your father. You can't just live in his shadow forever man. Why not try to live a little and get out of his shadow! Not be the Cult Leader/preacher's son. Be know Travis! Be know as Travis Phelps. Not Kenneth Phelps' son. You could actually have some fun that way. You'd have fun hanging out with our group." Larry said. This brought Travis to tears.

Larry's phone buzzes. Both boys get hopeful expressions. Hoping it's Sal. It's not. It's Ash and Todd calling Larry. Larry answers it. Larry, for some reasons, goes outside and talks to them.
Travis the hears the apartment door open and an angry Ash comes into the room Travis is in. Todd is with Larry. Ash is obviously mad. Hell, she's more then mad, she's furious.

"What the hell Travis?! You go Sal into trouble all because you want to get away from someone?! What. The. Hell. Dude?! You're so fucking selfish! You only thought of yourself, didn't you?! God I hate you so much, you little dipshit!" Ash goes to hit Travis. Travis tenses up, but he doesn't feel any pain, or where he got hit for that matter. He opens his eyes to see Larry holding Ashley back.

"Ash! Calm down! I'll explain everything, trust me. Don't. Hurt. Travis. He's going to be apart of the group now. I don't care if you like it or not! He's staying. Now I'm gonna let you go, Ash, don't try to hurt Travis. Got it? Cause if you don't we're gonna have problems." Larry said with a certain tone of sterness in his voice.

"T-thanks Larry. You didn't have to do that, y'know." Travis said quietly.

"Yes, I did, Travis. I'm gonna try to protect you and Sal. I still remember Freshman year. Heh, you looked up to me back then... What happened that year Travis? Was it Kenneth?" Larry was right about all of it. Travis, back then, told Larry everything. Travis missed those days. Travis nodded fight back tears. "Hey, I'm gonna tell them everything in here. So if I miss anything tell me, ok Trav?" Travis hasn't heard Larry call him Trav since Freshman year. Travis nodded again.

Larry filled the other two in on everything. Ash apologized to Travis. He accepted it and apologized to them as well. The accepted it, but they agreed it'd take time to fully forgive him. Larry and Ash went into the living room to discuss things. Todd stayed back with Travis. Todd tried to comfort Travis as he could. Todd explained how Neil went thru, almost the same thing. Todd couldn't fully comfort the blonde teen. Ash decided to try to instead.

"Listen, I know we don't really know each other and I came in how I did. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I'm sorry, but I want to try to give you a chance. For Sal. Just understand one thing. If you hurt him or anyone in our group, your gone church boy." Church boy? What kind of nickname was that?! I burst out laughing not meaning to. "Why are you laughing?!"

"You-you called me church boy! I've never heard that nickname before in my life! It's- it's so funny!" Ash smiled.

"Gotcha. I knew it would. That's why I said it. SEE LARRY! I CAN COMFORT PEOPLE!!" I almost forgot Larry said she couldn't. Heh. I like it here. I think I will take Larry's offer.

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