Sal's Plan

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Sal's P.O.V.

Sal had Travis call his dad and ask what time we needed to be back home by. His dad said 6:30 P.M., which was only 2 hours away. Sal told Lisa his plan and so she drove the two boys to get what they needed, and also get groceries for Sal's apartment. Sal and Travis got stuff they needed, like Travis some new clothes an pajamas since he had none. Sal even go the new Sanitys Fall album, which Larry had not gotten yet. Sal had one ear bud and Travis had the other one. Sal turner on his other favorite band, Blink-182. (I was listening to Blink-182's song called What's My Age Again? while writing this and it seems like a band Sal and Larry would like) Sal's favorite song was their song called All the Small Things. Hell he even had their album called Enema of the State. He loved Blink-182 almost as much as he loved Sanitys Fall. He was excited about their new album coming out in less then a month. Lisa promised Sal she'd get it for him since she knew he loved the band. Travis seemed to enjoy this new found music choice. He seemed happy. They left the store an went back to the apartments.

It was now 6:25 P.M., and Sal and Travis got everything ready they needed to. Sal didn't tell Travis one important detail, but if anything happened Travis would know. Sal told Travis what he needed to do and what to do if something happened. "Travis, when he knocks, you hurry into my bedroom. You lock the bedroom door, you hurry into the closet and you better lock that door too. I'm leaving you with my walkie talkie and some snacks. If anything goes wrong, call Larry. I've filled him in on everything, so he knows. You got it Travis? I've gotta make sure you're safe Trav. Understand?" Sal said with a stern tone.

"Yeah, I understand. Thanks for this Sally Face. I really don't deserve this, but I'm glad I have you as a friend. I just really enjoy bein around you Sal. That's probably why I feel in love with you in freshman year." Travis quickly processed what he said and he turned a bright shade of pink and ran into the bathroom. Sal tried to run after him, but he almost made it until Travis shut the door. They only had 2 minutes before 6:30. Sal had to get Travis into his bedroom before 6:35. Sal used his beautiful math skills to figure out how long it would take Kenneth to get to the apartments, find out what apartment Sal was in, and knock on the door. They didn't have much time. Sal did the only reasonable thing he could. He tried to talk to the blonde boy locked in his bathroom.

"Travis? Listen, we don't have much time before your dad comes and we put the plan into action. Please come out. I'm not mad or anything, plus I need to tell you something. It's ok if you're embarrassed. It's ok to have emotions Travis. You're showing you care. Please come out. I want to help you get away from your father. Please Travis-" Sal was cut off by knocks on his door. "Shit." Sal said and Travis clearly heard the knocks and Sal's muttered "shit" so he quickly unlocked the bathroom door and Sal grabbed Travis' wrist and passionately kissed Travis. Travis melted into the kiss. Sal ended it and the knocks still continued. Travis knew his father's knocks. These were not it.

"That's not my father's knocks. I know that. I'll still do what you told me to... Why did you kiss me, tho?"

"Because Travis, I love you. I kinda always have, but promise me something. Please make sure that no matter what happens, you'll stay safe. For me." Sal said.

"OK, I promise Sal. I-I love you too." Travis said blushing. Sal saw this and blushed too. Travis noticed this and kissed Sal. This time it happened longer. Travis went into Sal's bedroom, locked the door, went into the closest where everything already was, and locked the door. Travis made sure everything was there: 2 pillows, a thin, soft blanket, a thick blanket, Sal's walkie talkie, some snacks, 3 bottles of water, and a first aid kit. Th plan went into action now. "Ok Larry, plans getting into action, over." Travis said into the walkie talkie. Larry gave Travis an "ok" and Travis then turned the walkie talkie off. It made too much noise.

Sal opend his apartment door. In the doorway, stood a blonde woman. She looked like Travis. "Hi, uh, how can I help you ma'am?" Sal said politely. The woman looked stunned at his politeness.

"Um, is Travis there? His dad is on his way to come get him and I wanted to warn him. He's got a crowbar and he will use it on Travis and myself. Can I hide here please? I'll be quiet, I can promise you that! Kenneth beats me, but not as much as he beats Travis." The woman said.

"Of course. I can't share where Travis is, cause I don't know where he's hiding but here follow me." Sal lead her into the bathroom and she locked the door. Sal stayed close to the door. He heard nothing. It was now 6:34. One minute. Lisa gave Travis a phone he could text on. Sal texted the number.
(Sal = S. Travis = T)
U ready? -S
Yeah, ig -T

It was now 6:35 and there were hard knocks on the door. Sally opened he door to see Kenneth. "Hello Mr. Phelps, how can I help you sir?" Sal said.

"Where is my wife and son?! I know they are in there! Tell me where they are!" He said in a booming voice.

"Sir, I honestly don't know. Your wife was just here but she left and I think she went to the store. Travis isn't here. He said he went back home already, Mr. Phelps."

Then Sal felt a sharp pain in his head. He couldn't place it. Then, everything went black.

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