04| Bumping Into Boys

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Mom pulls up to Target and we go inside

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Mom pulls up to Target and we go inside. I grab a cart and make my way to the decor section. While my mom goes to the bathroom and grocery things.

I was quick to get the items i needed. I got a light beige knitted throw blanket just for extra blankets.

I got a couple other stuff.

While on my way to go find my mom, I stumbled across the stuffed animal isle.

I glanced at it and as I was about to pass, I saw some cute huge one right at the end.

I turn the cart and make my way down the isle.

To be honest I've always loved them. I know for my age a lot of people say it's for babies and all, but fuck you all that think that!

If I see one I have to buy it. There is no stopping me from buying it.

As I push the cart down the isle I told myself, "Only take one. two? No three...yeah only three."

I look through them and their looking at me like 'please take me home with you' So, me being the I can't pick between all of them and the way they looking at me person, I start loading them all up.

I hadn't even realised my mother was walking towards me with a cart full of groceries and toiletries.

"Kiara put those all back." She says looking so done with me.

"Why?" I continue loading the cart up.

"Because you already have what? Twenty something of them?"


She's silent for a while, trying to calm herself down.

"Okay fine take two." She says.

"Three? I mean look at them mom." I ask motioning to them.


I give her my best puppy eyes. She doesn't buy it. She never does.

"Don't give me those eyes, they aren't gonna work sweetheart."

I sigh in defeat and start taking them out one by one and placing them back in their retrieve spots on the shelf.

I'm left with two that I'd like to take home with me. A giant avocado and a baby yoda, both almost the size of my body.

 A giant avocado and a baby yoda, both almost the size of my body

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My mom starts walking away and I quickly grab a random one, so I now have three now

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My mom starts walking away and I quickly grab a random one, so I now have three now.

"Kiara put that back." She scowls without even looking back at me once.

Okay, how the actual-!!!

How does my mother always seem to have eyes at the back of her head?

I put it back I follow behind her and as I get to the end of the isle, I turn to the left and the cart collides with someone's lower body.

"Fuck." A male like voice groans.

"Oh my god, Im so sorry." I said slightly in panick mode. I look up only to be met with three boys.

All of them were attractive but the one in the middle. The one I hit, caught my attention more.

"Your good, don't stress." The one I hit says and my lord he caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach from his voice.

He has these hazel eyes, sharp jawline, and messy, yet neat hair.

"Sorry." I said hating myslef.

"Chill. Your good don't worry." He said with a smile and he has dimples.

"Kiara! Let's go please." My mom's voice say and thank God, because I don't know what I  was gonna do or say after I saw those dimples.

"Coming." I said.

"See you around?" The one guy on his left asked.

"Maybe. We'll see." I said.

"Bye." I said and left before they could say anything.

"That was interesting to watch." She said with a big ear to ear smile. Seems like was just laughing.

"It's really not funny." I said and she softly laughed.

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