27| Scared Of Rejection

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Before I could pick up the pen that had fallen from my hands and onto the floor, a veins hand softly grazes mine, causing shivers to run through my spine.

I look up and see Grayson, whose eyes are fixed on the pen he'd now picked up.

He meets my eyes, and they lock for the slightest bit.

My eyes slowly drip to his pink lips that have slowly started to form a small smirk.

I focus and look back to him, and he's still watching me. My cheeks start to heat from him looking at me, but how close our faces are to each other.

We both here squatting down in front of each other, and for some reason, my nerves pick up just beng around him.

Just lookibg into his hazel eyes, or staribgbat each other gives me nerves, but they're good nerves.

"Hey." He speaks first his voice, a low, deep, raspy sound that fills my ears, immediately causing me to tremble.

"Hey." I whispered a smile quickly and naturally, making its way onto my lips.

"Here." He said his hand, holding the pen up for me to take.

"Thanks." I said and took the pen fork him.

He was about to speak when familiar voices come calling for us.

"Kiara!"Nathan yells.

We were both quick to stand up and forget about what was just happening.

The girls and boys walk down the hallway towards us.

They narrow their eyebrows at us, I'm guessing from our sudden fast moments.

Their eyes move between us. I stand gere liek a idiot and refuse to look at Grayson.

"Oh, did we come at a wrong time?" Kayla asks.

"No." Grayson and I calmly said.

"Sure, because we can't leave -" Nathan says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder.

"No, no. No one's leaving. In fact, Grayson and I were done, so don't you guys worry." I said, adding a smile to the end.

The group nods at me, and I hear a soft chuckle from next to me.

"Okay." Mila says, dragging it out.

"What were you saying, Logan?" I asked, needling to change the subject.

"Shit, I forgot." He said.

I nodded.

"That's okay." I said exactly when the bell started to ring for school to begin.

The boys say their goodbyes and start making their way to our first class, maths.

So I'm now left with the girls.

"This is going to be talked about, by the way. Don't think you're getting out of this." Jordyn said with smirk.

"Nothing happened -"

"No, no, no. Don't "nothing happend" us, Kiara. We all saw the looks you two were giving each other. This conversation continues at lunch." Kayla said.

I sighed.

"Okay." I said, and we said our goodbyes before heading to our classes.

I spent the time wlaking to class thinking about whya just happened.

From the moment I dropped that pen till now.

I don't know what looks Grayson and I were looking at wcah other with. And it's confusing me a shit tun.

"Dude, you've never loked at any other firl you've dated the way you looked at her. I mean, you look at her like she was special, like she was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. It seemed like.you couldnt look away from her." Logan said.

"Because she is, she's feels special to me. Deep inside me, I know she's the one. I want her -" I started saying, meaning all the words that went put my mouth, but Nathan cuts me off.

"Then fucking ask her out, dumbass." He says.

"I've been wanting to for the longest time." I said.

"But?" Logan asks.

"I keep thinking she's going to say no."

"Wow, since when were you scared of a girl rejecting you?" Nathan says.

"Since she entered my life." Was all I said. I l"Wow, since when were you scared of a girl rejecting youeaned back on the back of my chair and crossed my arms.

I ran my tongue across my teeth and let out a sigh.

I looked to the front of the class.

It was silent for a bit.

"You like her?" Logan asked suddenly.

"I do. I like her a lot. I don't even think like is the word I'd use when describing how I feel about her." I said looking down at the table.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger?" Loga asks and I just nodded.

"Cute man. Who knew you'd act this way. All scared she'd reject you-" He said and I cut him off.

'Shut the fuck up." I said.

"Okay sorry. Just saying that ask her. She likes you. We see it. Hell it wouldn't take an idiot to see that. And uf she says no-"

"Then touch shit." Nathan jokingly bugged in, earning a glare from me.

"I'm kidding Gray." He said in surrender.

"You better fucking be." I said seriously.

We stop talking when we see her walk in.

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