35| Journey Of Love

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Her outfit^^

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Her outfit^^

Her outfit^^

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I sat at my vanity,doing my hair, whilst I did my makeup.

"I did talk to your dad about today. He's fine with it. I know how he can get when it's about boys, cause of your previous relationship. So i did tell him not to ruin this one for you." She said.

"Surprisingly, he didn't mind it. He seems to like Grayson, actually." She said.

"Reallt?" I asked, in shock.

"That was my exact reaction."

"But besides everything and us supporting you with this new boy, I do still need you to be careful." She says, looking at me with a serious look through the mirror.

"I know, and I will."

"Anything happens to you tell us, Kie. I can't afford to see you broken again."

I nodded, giving her a sad look.

My previous relationship was really bad. I had dated this guy named Aiden. At first, he was truly the perfect person. We were living a happy life, all until everything went downhill for him. Things weren't working as great as they were for him.

He started to go to the wrong crowd. I warned him, but he said he'd wouldn't let them influence him into bad things.

He became more aggressive around me and not the best person I thought he was. He was changing. I thought it was a one-time thing, so i didn't think too much of it.

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