48| Mother's Fury

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As the commotion drew, the attention of Mr

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As the commotion drew, the attention of Mr. Taylor arrived swiftly to restore order.

"You four, come with me." He said, firm with a pointed look, and I turned following him.

We ended his office for a private discussion.

Inside, Mr. Taylor's stern yet composed demeanor set the tone for a serious conversation.

Each of us had the opportunity to share our perspective, and Mr. Taylor listened attentively, determined to address the underlying issues causing friction within the school.

Eventually, after what felt like almost an hour, we finished.

I was the laat one to talk, and I walked out of his office and saw Grayson leaning on the wall opposite, waiting for me.

He pushed off the wall and walked towards me, and brought me into his embrace. I felt a wave of comfort flow through me.

"I'm sorry about Gemma and fucked up words," Grayson said sincerely.

I looked up at him, meeting his gaze. His hands cupped my face gently.

His touch was tender as he caressed the cheek that Gemma had slapped, making a smile from me appesr despite the lingering sting.

"Dang, she got you good," Grayson remarked, trying to lighten the mood with a playful tone.

"Grayson, that's not funny," I replied playfully, though I couldn't help but smile at his attempt to ease the tension.

"I'm just joking around with you, sorry," he said, his voice softening as he kissed my forehead.

I leaned into his touch, appreciating the warmth and reassurance that his presence brought.


We went our separate ways, both going to our own classes.

As I walked down the hallway towards my geography class, I see Jordan, Mila, and Kayla approached me with concern written all over their faces.

Mila enveloped me in a comforting hug, while Kayla's fiery demeanor hinted at her readiness to retaliate against Gemma.

"You okay?" Mila asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

"Where is that bitch? I swear I'm actually gonna kill her," Kayla seethed, her fists clenched in anger.

"Her parents picked her up and I'm okay," I reassured them.

Jordan gave me a pointed look. "Kiara, what she said wasn't okay. And then she goes and shoves you when you stand up to her," she remarked, her expression serious.

We continued discussing the events of the confrontation, dissecting Gemma's behavior and the repercussions of her actions.

Mila interjected with a different perspective, diverting our attention momentarily. "Okay, but can we talk about the way Grayson stepped in front of you when that Laney guy came?" she asked, her tone shifting to a more playful one.

I rolled my eyes playfully at Mila's comment, feeling a mixture of amusement and gratitude for Grayson's protective nature.

With a smile, I walked into the classroom, ready to focus on the day's lessons despite the lingering tension from the earlier incident.

Inside the classroom, I settled into my seat, the chatter of my friends echoing in my mind.

As the bell rang and the lesson began, I shifted my focus to geography.

After school, as I walked towards the parking lot, I spotted my mom waiting by her car, her expression a mix of concern and anger. The moment I approached, she didn't waste any time expressing her feelings about Gemma.

"Where is that Gemma girl?" my mom demanded, her tone laced with fury.

"Mom, it's okay. Mr. Taylor has dealt with it," I replied, attempting to calm her down.

"No, Kiara, no one hits my daughter and gets away with it," my mom insisted, her protective instincts in full force.

"Mom, please don't," I pleaded, knowing my mom's fierce determination could sometimes escalate situations.

"Okay, fine, I won't go. But where's Mr. Taylor's office then? I'd like to talk to him," she said, her resolve unwavering.

"Sp you can go all oit on him? Yeah no. Mom, let's just go home," I urged, hoping to avoid any further confrontation.

Reluctantly, my mom agreed to leave, but the tension in the car was palpable as we drove home. Throughout the journey, my mom couldn't contain her frustration, venting about Gemma and how she made her feel.

"Why didn't you tell us she's been bothering you?" my mom asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Because I wasn't sure before—" I began, but she cut me off, her tone stern.

"Then she slaps you," my mom said, her anger reignited at the thought of what I had endured.

As we continued our drive home, I explained the complexities of the situation, emphasizing that I had tried to handle it on my own before involving my parents. My mom listened attentively, her expression softening as she realized the impact Gemma's actions had on me.

By the time we reached home, my mom had calmed down, though the incident lingered in our thoughts.


As I stood in the kitchen, casually preparing a snack, my phone buzzed with an incoming FaceTime call. I glanced at the screen and smiled as I saw Grayson's face appear.

"Hey," I greeted him warmly, propping my phone up on a vase of flowers that adorned the center of the kitchen island.

"Hey, just checking up on you. How's that cheek of yours?" Grayson asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"It's getting better," I replied, grateful for his thoughtful inquiry.

Grayson and I talked for a while, the lingering tension from the day's events slowly dissipating as we shared anecdotes and laughed about lighter topics. His presence was a balm to my frayed emotions, and I found myself opening up to him about my mom's reaction and the aftermath of the confrontation with Gemma.

"I just wish she hadn't gotten involved," I admitted, my voice tinged with exhaustion.

Grayson nodded sympathetically, his eyes reflecting genuine understanding. "I get it, Kie. Your mom loves you a lot, and seeing you hurt probably drove her to react like that."

"Yeah, I know. But I didn't want things to escalate," I replied, my fingers absentmindedly tracing the edge of the kitchen counter.

"Well, at least my dad handled Gemma. She won't be bothering you anymore," Grayson said, his tone reassuring.

I nodded, grateful for Mr. Taylor's intervention. "Yeah, he made it clear that any further trouble from Gemma won't be tolerated."

Our conversation drifted to lighter topics, and Grayson shared stories from his day, including a funny incident during lunch with Nathan and Logan. His laughter was contagious, and soon I found myself smiling genuinely, the weight of the day lifting.

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