46| Morning Bliss

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I was now back home, taking a showing and getting ready for the night.

Once I finished, I went and picked a new book from my bookshelf and sat on my egg chair with a cozy blanket around me.

I had "Gilmore Girls" playing in the background and spent the rest of the night like that for a few hours before getting into bed.


The following morning, I woke up feeling refreshed.

I headed to Barnes & Noble, eager to explore the aisles and discover a few captivating reads.

Stepping into the bookstore, I was immediately greeted by the familiar scent of paper. I wandered through the shelves, my excitement growing with each passing moment. Finally, I spotted a book I had been eager to get my hands on.

With my chosen books in hand , I went on and brought them and made my way back to my mom car.

I parked in a quiet area and dove into the book I had been reading yesterday.

I lost herself in the story, oblivious to the passing time, engrossed in the world woven by the author's words.

Just as I was about to dive deeper into the narrative, my phone vibrated, indicating an incoming call.

Glancing at the screen, I smiled, seeing Grayson's name flashing on my phone. With a smile, she answered the call

"Hey, what's up?" I greeted warmly.

Grayson's smile lit up the screen. "Hey. I just wanted to talk to you," he replied, his voice soft and affectionate.

We chatted for a while, catching up on each other's day. However, our conversation was momentarily interrupted by a familiar voice in the background of Grayson's call.

"Are you calling Kiara without me?" came the voice of Hazel.

I couldn't help but smile at the sound of Hazel's voice. "Hey Hazel!" I greeted, my heart warming at the thought of Grayson's little sister .

Hazel appeared in the frame next to Grayson, my face beaming with excitement. "Hi Kiara, I miss you!" she exclaimed.

"I miss you too, Hazel," I replied fondly.

Hazel's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Do you think you'll be able to come to my house today?" she asked eagerly.

Grace considered for a moment. "I can arrange that for you." I said.

"Yes!" she replied, her excitment beaming thro8gh her voice.

Hazel left the frame, leaving Grayson and I to continue with our conversation.

As we eventually wrapped up pir call, I felt a sense of warmth and happiness. The unexpected interruption by Hazel had added a touch of joy to my day, and I looked forward to seeing both Grayson and Hazel later on.

With a contented sigh, I returned to my book.


After I had arrived at Grayson's house, I was greeted by Grayson's mom at the door with a warm smile.

I exchanged pleasantries with her and then followed Hazel to her room, where we spent our time in.

Hazel and I enjoyed our time, Grayson eventually joined us, his presence filling the room with joy. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him, and we shared a sweet embrace and a kiss, our affectionate display causing Hazel to giggle with delight.


After spending quality time together,  we eventually found purselves in Grayson's room. I sat on the bed, watching with adoration as Grayson and Hazel playfully interacted, their laughter echoing in the room.

As the hours passed, I observed the tender moments between Grayson and Hazel, feeling a deep sense of admiration for their sibling bond. I admired how Grayson effortlessly balanced being an older brother—patient, caring, and always ready to join in on Hazel's imaginative adventures.

In those moments, watching Grayson and Hazel interact, my feelings for Grayson deepened even further. Seeing him in his element, surrounded by family, only strengthened my conviction that he was someone special—a person I cherished and adored with all my heart.

Hazel left, being called by her mother, leaving Grayson and I together.

He sat at the edge of the bed, and I was standing between his legs. His hands move up and down the back of my thighs
We both have mirrored smiles on ourselves

I placed my hands oon on either side of his face, cupping his jaw. I put down on my bottom lip as I get lost into his eyes.

"Stop staring at me." She said, grinning.

"I can't," I said, because I truly couldn't stop.

"I can't," I said, because I truly couldn't stop

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God, this girl is beautiful. Everything about this girl is beautiful. Whether it was her interor or exterior. She was so beautiful that I could memorize the pieces that made her her.

Her laugh. Her smile. Her eyes. Her voice. Her hair. Her personality. Her everything was beautiful and I couldn't get over it. It possibly something I don't think I'll be over to get over.

"You know, I think we're a forever kinda thing

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"You know, I think we're a forever kinda thing." He said.

"Forver?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

I smiled, and he stood up, and my hands slid up to wrap around his neck and his hold onto my waist.

He leans down to my ear and whispers," You're making me go insane."

I smirk, and his eyes meet mine again.

I leaned forward, closing the gap between us. Our lips met in a tender, passionate kiss, sealing our unspoken commitment to each other.


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