Chapter 6: Arrival

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Nullraiser's POV:

Our ship finally landed and the door opened. I can barely see the sun through the tough snowstorm. Abandoned buildings and frozen remains of those inhabitants that once lived there can be seen in the distance, it kinda creeped me out. just the thought that one day in a flash everything died. "I heard that the humans wiped themselves out, makes our job easier." Nailrazor said. "If only they had done that in their home world." I said. Earth brings back painful memories.

We surveyed our surrounding area and found no signs of these worker drones that were said to be on the planet... never mind I found a corpse. "These predators must have gotten them bad." Nailrazor said as he too spotted the corpse. "Why can't you send your probes to find them?" He asked, I totally forgot that I can do that. It's an innate ability I was forged with. It helped me perform surgeries better but even with that I was not as good as a medic as Knockout. I sent out my probes from my body in search of living worker bots. The probes' small ball shapes with a camera install make them ideal for searching for small things and they are the size of an earth insect. Now me and Nailrazor must wait in the ship for any updates. And Nailrazor has to write a report to Soundwave and tell him that we have arrived at Copper-9.

(Author's note: Nullraiser and Nailrazor are in another city, so it will take them some time to meet N,V and J or Uzi's colony.)

Many hours later:

N's POV:

I went back to the building I was in yesterday when I heard something behind me. I turned to see what it was and it was V. I jumped a bit as I was caught off guard by my crush following me. "Uh v-V what a-are you doing here?" I said stuttering. "I came for you N." She said, Wait, did she remember my name? She remembered me? "You, name remember? " I said, she just giggled at my response. That giggle, I felt I heard it before but can't remember when. "J sent me to find you because we found some worker outpost and she wanted the whole squad to join in." I nodded and we both left for this outpost. Looks like that strange gold object will have to wait until tomorrow.

V's POV:

I followed N to a building and then made a noise, N looked back at me and jumped. "Uh v-V what a-are you doing here?" He asked, he looked nervous. "I came for you N." I answered, and he looked a bit shocked. "You, name, remember?" He said, I couldn't help but giggle at his response. He was definitely the same dork from my dreams. I can feel the newfound emotion again. "J sent me to find you because we found some worker outpost and she wanted the whole squad to join in." N then nodded and I led him to where J wanted us to meet. He kinda looked disappointed when we left. I wonder why. Maybe he is losing interest in you. Maybe he doesn't like you. I heard that voice again. I hope the taste of oil will make me lose these thoughts.

Nailrazor's Report:

We arrived at the planet, No signs of the worker drones that are said to be abandoned in this planet, well ones that are still alive that is. The weather is harsh, the sun can barely be seen despite it being noon. Nullraiser's probe have been sent out to search as due to harsh weather we are unable to fly for very long. No signs of these predators either. I will send you the coordinates in case you want a space bridge to be built. We will continue our search tomorrow.

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