My Savior

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Kirk Hammett x Reader


      Today you were hanging out with your friends at a bar. Those friends just so happened to be the world famous thrash band Metallica. You were especially excited to see Kirk. You had this massive crush on him ever since you met him at a party for their first album. And tonight you were going to tell him.

Kirk pov:

      "I'm really excited to see Y/N!" I exclaimed.

      "Yeah only cause you have this huge crush on her." James stated.

      "Okay whatever at least I don't just like her cause shes pretty. I mean she is but she's also nice and creative and so smart." I retorted.

      "Okay man whatever, just don't pussy out when you ask her out." James said back.

      "I won't!" I whined. I hope I can do this.

*Back to Y/N*

      "Its almost time for me too leave and I'm still not ready what should I wear?" You thought aloud. You decided to wear a Black Sabbath shirt and some baggy black jeans and converse. You through on your leather jacket and went to grab your motorcycle from the garage. After about 3 minutes of fucking with your helmet strap you were ready to go and headed to the bar.

                              *Time Skip*

      You made it to the bar and walked inside you noticed the guys standing by the stage and went over to the bar. "Just a Coors." You said to the bartender and she grabbed you the beer. After you got your drink you walked over towards the guys. "Anybody playing tonight?" You asked as you noticed some instruments on stage.

      "Yeah some local punk band." Kirk said. "Iv'e seen em once before, I think you'll like the show."

      "Yeah should be good." You replied smiling. You were really excited to tell Kirk you like him, but also extremely terrified. Just before you said something to Lars about some stupid joke the band walked on stage.

      "Ay we're Supercollision and we hope you like our show." The lead singer said and the band started playing their first song. You thought they sounded incredible and the guitar player played really well. Not as well as Kirk though. Just as you turned to try and find the guys who had wandered off some drunk guy approached you.

      "Hey sexy, whats a pretty girl like you doing at a bar and not at home with me?" He slurred and tried to grab you.

      "Get your fucking hands off me!" You screamed at him. Not one seemed to notice what was going on as the music was to loud.

      "Ey don't yell at me I won't hurt ya." He spoke again.

      "I'm not interested fuck off." You said clearly. And he tried to grab you again. Before you could say something someone punched the guy.

      "She said she wasn't interested fuckwad!" Kirk screamed in the guys face. You were in total shock.

      "Whatever man! Fucking bitch anyway." The dude muttered and walked away.

      "Thank you Kirk I seriously cannot thank you enough, honestly I was about to punch him myself." You laughed.

      "Hey anything for you Y/N, I do love you after all." He said.

      "Huh? You love ME? Well funny thing, I have liked you since forever. Since we met at that party." You said really nervously.

      "Of course I like you. Your really sweet and kind, smart, creative, and very beautiful might I add." Kirk replied. "Uh, would you like, maybe wanna be my girlfriend?"

      "Yes!" You screamed. "I mean yes, yes I'd love to." You said and kissed him gently. You pulled away and he was blushing madly.

      "Thanks." Kirk replied. You don't think you'd ever seen him smile that much before.

            ♡The End♡

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