03 } An Hour, Or A Minute

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THIS PLANET GIRL REALLY CONFUSES ME. I don't know how she's survived this long - especially alone - and if I were to guess for any reason at all why she has, I would say that God, for some reason, has made her his chosen one. Because there is no way she has lived based on survival skills alone. 

"Instant food goes off eventually you know." I say, sitting on a chair in the corner of a spacious room that looks to have once been an office. 

Mars looks up from where she was pouring boiled water into a bowl of ramen, "I know."

"You'll get sick when it goes off." I add.

"I plan on leaving by then." She finishes up, brushing her hands on her pants. 

"You? How?" I scoff. 

She pauses before thinking of an answer, "Luck."

"You're going to get bit right off the bat." I declare confidently. Mars raises her brow at me for a moment before shrugging and passing over a small plastic bowl filled with instant noodles to Holland, and then me. 

"You should be kinder to the person offering you accomodations." She suggests. 

"Kindness doesn't get you anything here." I explain, "You should have less of it."

"My kindness saved your stupid ass." She snaps. 

"No." I smile bitterly, "I did. I watched you try to bat this guy to death, and I stopped it. You didn't save us from shit."

"Hunger." Holland butts in, scarfing down his food, "She definitely saved us from hunger."

"Thank you." Mars gestures to him before rolling her eyes. 

"Do you even have a weapon to help you for when you plan to leave?" I ask, moving on.

She nudges her head towards her bat, "Yeah."

"That won't do anything to them." I shake my head. 

She frowns, "Why?"

"You serious?" I let out a mean laugh, "You haven't even tried?"


"Those things out there," I shuffle my chair in and lean down slightly, "It takes more than a bat to their head to kill them - or even to stop them."

"I've never fought one before." She shrugs, "I only saw a few at the beginning of the apocalypse. And like, heard them." 

"Heard them?" I repeat. 

"Outside. Around the store. During the night." She lists. 

"Damn." Holland speaks, "I'd shit myself."

"Where do you even plan on going?" I ask, playing with the ramen in my bowl. I should eat it. It's a proper meal. Not sludgy rations that EVA gives us. But for some reason, for the first time in my life, I don't feel hungry. I feel on edge. 

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