24 } The Counting Game

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EVEN IF SHE SAID ANY WORDS, I DON'T THINK I WOULD HAVE LISTENED. Sylvie tends to stick to her opinion - being the most stubborn person I know - and so listening to her would have either broken the last tether holding me together or put me in a sniper-shooting frenzy killing everyone in my surroundings and then myself. 

Okay, maybe that's dramatic. But when you grow up how I did - how the three of us did - you tend to gain that sort of mindset. All or nothing. Me or them. Life or death. 

Besides. Dealing with seeing Sylvie after so long (especially when she definitely thought I was dead. Not like she'd really tried searching for me) is hardly anything compared to what I have to deal with right now. 

Now that Mars - planet girl - is dealt with and returned (I know she's immune, but how did she get through the arena? Seriously) I can focus on the other things tainting my life. Such as EVA. Specifically; Laurel. 

Who I had an agreement with. Who, when thinking she got what she wanted - that being Blake - didn't return her end of the deal, and killed a portion of my people. 

Teaming up with EVA was not the way to go, apparently

And look. I'm not an idiot. In fact I'm pretty fucking smart - which should be a given considering all I've done - and working with Laurel? I never expected that to go well. I didn't intend it either. But I just thought...I don't know, I assumed I had a little more time before it all went to shit. 

Clearly Laurel was going to continue to be as self interested as she's always been, no matter how she benefits or what sort of allies she could gain no matter how useful they could potentially be. 

"We're going to have to kill her..." Seb mutters on our way back home. It's going to get dark soon. I assume we'll have to spend the night somewhere near and resume our journey in the morning considering we spent most of today walking Mars all the way back. 

Vee chuckles and rolls her eyes.

"He's right." I mutter. 

Vee instantly stops walking and stares blankly at me, "What? You're kidding - she's the most difficult person to-"

"Not the most." I interrupt. 

Vee takes her words back in an instant, the silence shows. She huffs out a breath before continuing, "She's dangerous enough. Enough that it'll be hard for us to take her."

"Not impossible." I tilt my head. 

"If anyone can do it, it's us. Surely." Seb points out.

Vee holds up her finger to Seb mid air, not even glancing in his direction, "No words from you. Gray, listen to me, you know how Laurel works. We may have weapons - so many groups now have weapons - but EVA has science. They have continuous farming and resources, they are the one group of people that won't be wiped out, we're just..."

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