41 } The Deluxe Experience

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WE'RE GOING TO SPEND THE NIGHT IN THE HOTEL. Or motel. But it turns out there are such things as 'deluxe' rooms in motels, so Alex and I changed our previous basic one to that on mainly Gray and Sylvie's suggestion. Blake doesn't seem to give a shit. I don't think he's let me out of his sight once since I've seen him again though. 

"There are three beds." Alex says once we enter, "And I'm not selfless or fake - so I'd like everyone to know I'm not sleeping on the floor." 

Gray rolls his eyes fondly, "You really think we'd make the girl with the broken arm sleep on the floor?" 

She scoffs, "I mean there's five of us. Two beds will have two on them and I doubt anyone here is that close so someone is sleeping on the ground." 

Blake rolls his eyes this time - but more like he's dealing with a child than a little sister, "Sylvie and I can take a bed." 

I immediately let my jaw drop. 

"Don't look at me like that." Blake narrows his eyes. 


Gray hides a smile behind his hand, trying to look to the side like he's interested in something else. 

"We're the adults." He shrugs, "Makes sense." 

"Oh, so did you or did you not fuck?" I raise a brow. 

"I'm not talking about this with a child." He scoffs. 

"You did! Dude! What the fuck?!" My eyes dart between the two of them. 

"Alright," Gray breaks up the tension, "Alex and Mars can take a bed each and then I'll take somewhere else." 

"What?" I frown, "Can't you just-"

"Alex's arm is broken. She should get some room." He shrugs. 

"That's not what I was going to offer." I send him a look that has his eyes widening, "But oh well. If you insist." 

Gray glares at me. This time I hide my smile. 

"So if this man is apparently in some sort of relationship with my older sister, can I just quickly make sure we all mutually understand there will be zero noises throughout the night?" Alex speaks up. 

Sylvie looks disgusted, "I'm not into exhibition. Nor minors involved in any way whatsoever." 

"I'm not a minor." Gray raises his hand in objection, just to be an asshole. 

"Those two are."  Sylvie gestures to Alex and I. 

"Hey!" I scowl, "I'll be eighteen in...shit, what month are we in right now?"

"How do you not know what month we're in?" Alex looks at me like this is something super concerning. 

"It's not like I have a calendar on me." I roll my eyes. 

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