13 } Calm before the...

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I HAVEN'T TASTED BREAD AND PUMPKIN SOUP IN THREE YEARS. And...yeah. It's good. Really good. Nari went to school - whatever that is - and Lope and Rikki stuck behind to show me around. But by the way Lope's face dropped at the sound of school, I think maybe the real reason she's giving me a tour is because she doesn't want to go. 

"Oh!" Lope exclaims as she points towards a trail that leads out of the camp and towards the forest on the outer edges of the town, "This is where I practice with my arrows."

I've noticed that a lot. That there are numerous gateways outside of the camp and into different areas. I suppose it makes sense you'd train outside of the actual camp where it's safer for everyone. Are they not worried about zombies though? I suppose they've cleared out most of them in this particular area. 

"Just you?" I raise a brow.

"Others too." She shrugs, "The other kids in my classes...you'll probably be expected to go to them."

"Okay." I shrug, happy with or without them. So long as I just never leave this place's walls, and can keep far, far away from hungry zombies and cruel humans. 

"There aren't really classes, it's more just age groups. The younger kids and the older ones." Lope explains. 

"So I'm with you?"

"You are nineteen aren't you?" She fake gasps.


"Yes, Petra, you'll be with us." Lope grins and rolls her eyes. 

"What about Mars? She's seventeen, is that old enough to be with us?" I ask, a little concerned she might be just a year off. 

"Usually no," Lope bites her lip, "But she can be an exception. You, me, her, Rikki and Nari are sort of a gang now, there's no way they could keep us apart." Her tone almost reaches dramatic.

"Oh, whatever would we do?" I grin, playing along. 

"Lope!" Someone calls, running up to us. We're out in the forest, somewhat safe, and running towards us is a girl I haven't met yet - black hair with pink streaks throughout it and lace black gloves. One she reaches us I also notice the eyebrow piercing shaped like a ring. 

"Harley." Lope smiles, "Haven't seen you for a few weeks, sorry about that."

"Oh shut up." Harley laughs and swings her arms around Lope tightly. 

"Think I was dead or something?" Lope chuckles as they pull out. 

"Maybe! It wasn't meant to be a three week fucking journey, we thought we lost you." Harley hits Lope's shoulder rather firmly. 

"Well if I hadn't taken that long I wouldn't have found dear old Petra here." Lope walks over and swings an arm around my shoulders, "Petra, Harley. Harley, Petra."

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