14 } Storm.

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THEY'RE NOT GOING TO KILL MARS. Or use her. That was part of the deal, and I think I made it pretty obvious what would happen if they ignored my request. Command really. 

The first night we spend at ACE is perfect. Why? I get to spend it alone. And people get their own rooms here. Their own tents, some with their own houses - the families I suppose. I don't care that I can touch both sides of each wall just by putting my hands out. I don't care that if I jump my head will hit the ceiling. I care, that there is a bed, and that I've finally fucking showered and that I'm allowed to sleep without waking up after a minute and going on watch. 

But now it's the morning after my first sleep. I woke up at four in the morning on instinct. Then slept in until nine when I remembered that no longer mattered. Everything is fine. Everything is great. I can just not do anything, not stress-

And there it is, a knock at my door, I knew I didn't have that much time left. 

I'm not complaining though. One night of good sleep was the best I've had in a year, so I'll take it over zero of them. 

I open the door of my small assigned room - temporary they said, for new people until they've decided what they want their role to be in this camp. I'd barely call it a camp though, with it's numerous building and gated community. This place is a town. A village. 

Standing there, with a smirk I assume I'll start to find annoying, is Sylvie. I don't usually remember names - but with someone as...obnoxious as her - I can. 

"Asshole." She greets me.

"Pyromaniac." I return.

Her grin deepens, "I hear you're good at fighting."


"I need someone like that on my next job." She suggests, without really asking at all. 

"I'd hope I'm not the only fighter at this camp." I raise a brow.

She scoffs, "Course not."

"Then find one of them...I'm sure your company is...severe."

"My company is treasured." She rolls her eyes and strolls right in. This room is made for one person. I wouldn't even consider it a bedroom. More like a closet with a bed. Only a small amount of space for walking around. Sylvie seems to manage just fine though, ignoring the confined space made for one and instantly forcing it to make room for two. 

"You'll need to find something to do in the community eventually." She tells me, "And it doesn't have to be fighting, even if you're good at it. It could be farming, or cleaning, or teaching, or you could be in the kitchen staff, security - you get the gist. I just assumed you'd not be into any of that."

She's right. I wouldn't. 

"So. You can come on a mission with me today. Get a feel for scouting. Fighting. Whatever. It's not too far out, we'll have enough time to come back to camp - no spending nights out at petrol stations, I promise." She sits down on my bed, pulling her legs up in so that they cross. She's careful not to let her boots touch my sheets, I'll give her that. 

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