06 } Squirrel

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WE DECIDED TO PAIR UP. Except for me, I decided I wanted to go alone. But other than that, Rikki and Lope went together - as well as Nari and Mars. 

This weird ass massive building did allure me. Annoyed me? Yes. I wanted to hurry up and make our way to Colorado - but with the promise of finding new resources and hopefully some bullets, I soon realised maybe it is a good idea.

We all agreed we'd eventually meet at the top of the building after scouting out the area - so long as we don't run into any trouble on the way. 

This ENOCH building has like eight floors - and I don't know if I can even be bothered to explore every crevice on each one. The first floor is merely just reception - and whilst everyone else goes off to search it in their pairs, I skip it, finding the stair and making my way to the next. 

There are a bunch of desks, computers that don't work anymore, and plants drooping over with their brown decaying leaves and stems. This place is definitely abandoned. There are no signs of living people or dead ones - meaning we can probably sweep the place with little to no problems. 

As I survey the floor, engrossed in my search, a sudden cacophony shatters the silence. 

Well then. I guess problems aren't being averted. 

Silently, with each footstep carefully calculated, I creep up the stairs, my presence barely detectable. The usual creaking of wooden steps, normally a telltale sign of an intruder's presence, is skillfully avoided, with each foot expertly placed to avoid the usual suspects. 

It feels weird. Being able to transition into this mindest over a single sound. Originally when dropped out of school because my parents kicked me out at sixteen - my plan was to just simply join the army. Then that turned into a Coast Guard. And then before I knew it I was apart of the Marine Corps. And for a good four years I decided to join the Navy.

Then I stopped. Because my wife got pregnant. And it's not like risking my life was worth only forty thousand dollars a year. Including tax - basically thirty thousand instead. Yeah, no, fuck that.

And because of all that training and how I spent twenty years of my life dedicated to the army - here I am, in a zombie apocalypse, completely masking my trace and surviving. I hated my life from before. I only had one good thing going on in it and that was taken away from me. But I'd be lying if I said a lot of what I learned from it wasn't useful. 

I keep my eyes fixated ahead, scanning the surroundings, continuing to move with an almost supernatural awareness. Senses heightened, I listen intently for any distant sounds that might hint at my discovery.

Again. Another sound. Something similar to the one I heard before. Except now that I'm closer to the source, it sounds more muffled. Like it's behind a closed door. Or maybe situated somewhere closed off.

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