18 } Inside Jokes

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EVA WANTS ME BECAUSE I USED TO BE IN THE MILITARY, AND I'M A SKILLED FIGHTER. Well, that was why they wanted me. Past tense. When I was first at the camp, I actually worked as one of the guards. Only for a few weeks though before I decided I didn't want to work for them. I stayed with them because it was all I could do, and when the opportunity arose, I left (albeit with a guy who was like a golden retriever reincarnated and a girl named after a literal planet).

EVA however, preferred it if I was kept within their clutches. Because when I worked for them, I found something. I snooped - and I found one of their biggest secrets - and they were not happy. If I left, and spreaded said secret, they would find themselves in a lot of trouble. 

Which is probably why they've been out for me. Because I did exactly what they told me not to, and that was run away - specifically to an opposing rebel camp they're not on good terms with. 

You see, EVA doesn't want their people or other people knowing that they're still exploring a cure. During the outbreak they had deemed it impossible, and so all hope on that front was lost. Secretly though, they're still at it. Still experimenting. And I had found out. If I had to guess - the reason they don't want this out is because if they're able to make a cure, they'll only use it on themselves. 

Now that is something EVA would kill people over. I only got a second chance so long as I didn't spill the beans because they found my experience with the military useful. 

However I don't think they care about that so much anymore. Not if there's a bounty on my head. Which is precisely the reason why Sylvie and I bolted into the crowd the moment EVA started shooting those guns at the bikers. 

"We need to get Mars." I say breathlessly, panic storming around us. The gunshots going off are loud, too loud meaning too close, and there are almost similarly loud sounds of bodies falling to the cracked pavement and dirt. 


"She didn't get shot, I saw every body that hit the ground." I interrupt, sending her a glare strong enough I hope she knows I'm not letting this go. 

"She's probably ran then. We can't find her if we're shot though, so let's get some cover and come back." Sylvie says her words out of breath as well, speeding through the syllables as she steps forward and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Seriously. Now."

I hesitate a little but nod and follow anyway. We make sure we're never in the open. That we're following crowds and staying tucked in between them. The bullets still sound out though. They still fire. Eventually though, we duck into a building - one that looks like an old book store. Instantly I'm met with that old paper sort of smell, but instead of the nice sort of book scent - it's replaced by a musky sort of damaged scent. 

"Through here." Sylvie says quietly, keeping low as the muffled sounds of people running continue on outside the shop. 

"EVA will most likely stay searching this city until they find me." I mutter, grimacing at a particularly festered book in front of me. 

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