40 } Survival (Revenge) Mode

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THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO GET ALONG ON THIS TRIP ARE SYLVIE AND I. Nari and Gray aren't fond of each other, Gray and Sylvie are silent around each other, and I personally don't have any feelings towards Nari or Gray myself. 

So Gray walks ahead. And Nari walks behind. Sylvie and I beside each other in the middle, whilst she tinkers with some thing as she walks. 

I haven't asked what it is yet. I'm afraid of what I'll find out. 

"It's a bomb." She answers for me. 

"Lovely." I respond sarcastically.

"This one actually uses gasoline though. Not some nuts-and-bolts contraption like before." She continues explaining. 

"So long as you don't use alcohol I'm good." I say. 

"What? Saving it for molotovs?" She grins. 

"More like consumption." I hum. 

"Ah. I like the way you think." She taps her forehead as if to signal we're on the same wavelength. My daughter used to do that. 

I huff out a laugh, "I didn't peg you as an alcoholic." 

She scoffs, "I didn't...oh actually no, you do make sense as an alcoholic." 

I shrug. 

"How about druggie? You smoke weed?" She continues.

"I have before." I answer. 

"But not a fan?"

"Nah, not really." 

"I was addicted to weed for a few years in my twenties. Then I started having hallucinations so I stopped." Sylvie says out of nowhere. Well, not nowhere, we are talking about weed - but sometimes she just does that. Says the most out of pocket, rancid, shocking things, and expects me to be completely normal about it. 

"Hallucinations?" I repeat.

"Like schizophrenia without the diagnosis." She nods. 

"Fucking hell." 

She waves a hand, "I already have a sleep paralysis demon, a little hallucination here and there isn't terrible." 

"You have a sleep paralysis demon?" I blink at her, more surprised by the minute. 

"Yeah? It's not that bad, I don't know why you're freaked out." She slips the contraption (bomb) she was making into her backpack with ease, finally done with it.

"Because it's literally sleep paralysis?" I raise my brows, "Maybe that's why?"

"The only bad thing about it is not knowing if it's my demon or an in real life zombie looming over me." She points out, "But now that I sleep with you I don't really have to worry about that because you'll deal with it." 

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