Chapter 1

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Aemeryn Velaryon was the first child, and only daughter, of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and her husband, Laenor Velaryon. Upon her birth, her grandsire, King Viserys I Targaryen, declared that she would marry his son, Aemond. Her mother tried to fight his decision and lost. Alicent Hightower, the Queen, also tried to fight the decision. They were only children and it wasn't fair. The cries fell on deaf ears.

Aemond, Aegon, and Aemeryn grew up doing everything together. The three of them were completely inseparable. Aegon and Aemond would take the blame for anything Aemeryn did that would have caused her to be punished. They believed they could take it better than she could. They also never gave her grief like they did her brothers about being a bastard. By the time Aemeryn was five, she had noticed she didn't look like her father, nor did she look like Ser Harwin like her brothers did. Her hair was silver blond like almost all of her family, but her eyes were the lightest purple her family had ever seen.

"Aemond, do you know who my father is?" Aemeryn had asked one night after Alicent had read to the both of them. Aemond was two years older, so Aemeryn knew he would know.

"Leanor, Aemeryn. Why?"

"I don't look like him," Aemeryn said sadly as she snuggled into the covers before going to sleep.

Aegon had told her shortly after her eighth name day that everyone believed Prince Daemon Targaryen was her true father. She had never met Daemon, but did a few months later at her aunt's funeral.

Aemond and Aemeryn's relationship had died the night he had claimed Vhagar and lost his eye to her little brother, Luke. He had just claimed Vhagar and was riding the high when the four children stopped him in the pit. Words were said and fists flew as he fought off Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena. Aemond had picked a rock up to beat Jace's smug face when he taunted him about Harwin's death.

"Aemond!" A hurt voice made him turn his head. Aemeryn was standing there in shock at the scene in front of her. Before he could even go to her, dirt was tossed in his face and eyes. Aemond cried out and stumbled away from Jace when a yell caused him to look over. The last thing he saw was little Luke with a knife swinging it at his face. Aemeryn felt like she was watching everything happen in slow motion. Aemond screamed as he fell to the ground. Dark blood was coating his face and hand as he laid there screaming.

His mother was furious when he was being stitched by the maester. Aemeryn cried as she watched what was happening and seeing Aemond completely ignore her. Daemon bent down to her level and held her as she screamed and cried.

"Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned to learn where he heard such treason." Aemeryn and Aemond both stopped and turned to look at Rhaenyra. Luke was holding on to her arm and looking up at his mother. His nose was still bleeding, and Aemond smirked. His good eye fell on the small quivering figure next to Daemon.

"Aemond," Aemeryn started, but he turned back in the chair.

"Aemond, where did you hear these things?" Viserys demanded. Aemeryn held her breath as she watched her Grandsire approach Aemond. He didn't need this on top of the pain he was experiencing.


"Me?" She asked and Aemond could hear the hurt in her voice. Aemond closed his eye and refused to look back at her.

"Aemeryn?" Viserys asked as he moved over to her. Daemon pushed Aemeryn behind him quickly. He didn't entirely trust his own brother to not harm his oldest daughter.

"It was me!" Aemond turned to Aegon in surprise. Aegon stood there and looked at the floor. He refused to look at their father even as he got in his face and screamed. Even when he made up the lie about being able to tell they were bastards by looking at them. Aegon only moved to look at Aemeryn. Aemond and Aemeryn ignored everything around them until his mother pulled out a dagger and went after Rhaenyra. Aemond heard Luke scream and smirked again, but that smirk fell when he heard his mother's words.

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