Chapter 27

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Aemeryn all but ran into Jace's chambers the next day. Rhaenyra looked at her daughter from her place beside her son's bed before looking back to the book in her lap. She had decided to keep Jace on milk of the poppy until his bones began to heal.

"We need to get Jace out of here, Mother," Aemeryn said as she walked over to Rhaenyra and crouched in front of her. "Along with Aegon and Viserys. It's too dangerous for them here."

"Where would they go?"

"Driftmark. The guards were still there when we arrived, and Jace is technically Lord of the Tides now. Those are his men, and that is his home."

Rhaenyra finally met her daughter's pleading gaze. She knew that Aemeryn would be concerned about her family residing on Dragonstone when Borros finally stormed the island, but there was nothing to be done.

"Em, Jace can't be moved like this. And he might be the Lord of the Tides, but he certainly isn't ruling anything in this state. The duty has fallen to Joffrey, and since Joffrey is too young to rule, it's fell to Daemon."

"Daemon is Lord of the Tides?" This was news to Aemeryn. She had foolishly believed that Baela would be Lady Regent until Jace was able to claim his birthright. Rhaenyra simply nodded and looked back at her book. "We can still get Joff, Aegon, and Viserys out. They don't have to go to Driftmark; there's somewhere closer they can go."

"Where would that be?" Rhaenyra asked as she closed her book. She knew that Aemeryn was right, but she couldn't bear to part from any of her children after everything that has happened. Aemeryn smiled at her mother before standing and kissing her cheek.

"I just need you to trust me."

Aemond turned to look over his shoulder when he heard the door open behind him. The blocks that Aegon and Viserys were stacking on his legs tumbled over, and they both let out matching whines. Viserys, ever with his father's temper, swiped the blocks away in a fit of rage. Aegon, more like Rhaenyra, simply tried to stack them again. Aemeryn sat down next to Aemond on the floor and smiled.

"This is actually oddly attractive," she said with a giggle before pressing a quick kiss to Aemond's lips. Aemond arched his brow before smirking and looking back at the two little boys at his legs. "We need to pack bags for them and Joff."

"Bags for what?" Aemond asked as he glanced back over at Aemeryn. She had her eyes fixed on her two little brothers and watched while they played.

"We're getting them off of Dragonstone until either Baratheon or myself is dead. It's not safe for them here."

Aemond stood and helped Aemeryn to her feet. Both boys began to throw fits at their human table moving, but Aemond didn't mind. They would forget it soon enough. Aemeryn quickly packed a bag for Viserys and placed it on the bed and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to help Joff pack and get ready. Meet me in our chambers?" Aemond nodded, and Aemeryn smiled before she walked out the door.

The walk to Joffrey's chambers was a relatively short one. He was sitting in front of his bed with a book in his lap before he looked up to see Aemeryn closing the door behind her.

"Hi, Em!" Joffrey called with a smile. Aemeryn smiled back before she walked over to him and crouched in front of him.

"Joff, I need to talk to you." Joffrey closed his book and looked at his sister. His brown eyes were so trusting, and he favored Luke so much that Aemeryn thought she was going to start crying. "Aemond and I are taking you, Aegon, and Viserys away from here for a little bit, okay?"

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