Chapter 15

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Storm's End loomed in front of Aemeryn. She could see the flames of various torches running along the wall while the guards tried to figure out what to do about the approaching dragon. Vermithor let out a roar as an arrow pierced his stomach. It wasn't from a crossbow, so no damage would be done, but it would hurt.

Aemeryn sighed and shook her head. "Dracarys, Vermithor." Vermithor opened his maw and let loose a stream of fire on the guards on the wall. Aemeryn could hear their cries as they were burned alive. Vermithor circled the castle before coming to land in the courtyard. He was too big to fit and knocked down part of the wall that surrounded Storm's End.

All of Baratheon's guards seemed to be outside. There wasn't many of them; Aemeryn counted about fifty. The rest had already been sent to King's Landing. She climbed off of Vermithor but stayed close to him in case the guards tried to be brave and attack.

"Bring me Lord Baratheon and no one else has to die. I simply wish to speak to him." The guards all exchanged looks with each other before two went back into the castle. Aemeryn tilted her head as she studied the remaining guards. They were debating if they should attack her or not. Some were watching the flames dance along the wall. Others were looking at Vermithor in horror.

"What is the meaning of this?" A booming voice called out. Borros huffed down the steps and approached the front. He hesitated when he finally saw Vermithor in the dark, and Aemeryn standing right by his snout.

"I've come for some answers, Lord Baratheon," Aemeryn called out much more calmly than she felt. She wanted to burn them all where they stood. Borros stared at her for only a moment before he figured out who she was.

"Kill her," he ordered before fleeing back into Storm's End.

"Son of a bitch," Aemeryn muttered under her breath as she drew her sword. Vermithor needed no instruction from his rider. He could see the danger and immediately opened his jaws. He did not burn them without Aemeryn's command, but he could eat them as they approached.

The first five men were victims of Vermithor's mouth and teeth. Aemeryn grinned as she sliced her sword through the next five. It almost wasn't fair to the guards; they were either hesitating to kill a girl or were staring at Vermithor in fear.

Vermithor took a single step forward and crushed more men. Aemeryn was almost certain that the old war dragon was enjoying this far more than she was. Her parents were going to kill her over this if Baratheon didn't succeed. She was covered in blood by the time she had slain half of the men. Aemeryn watched with amusement as the remaining men fled. They were smart, she had to give them that. She pushed open the doors with ease. Borros, in his cockiness, thought that his guards would actually overpower and kill her.

"It was honestly a stupid move to send almost all of your men to King's Landing. I'm assuming that was my dear uncle's price?" Aemeryn panted as she walked over to Borros. He didn't cower away from her, but he couldn't hide the fear on his face as he took in the blood covering her body. "Do you know how difficult it is to kill that many men even with a dragon? I could have burned them all, but then that would have burnt your lovely home, Lord Baratheon."

Aemeryn took her bloodied sword and lifted Borros' chin with it. He gripped the arms of his throne with white knuckled force. "Princess," he finally spat out. "What do you want?"

"Lucerys Velayron. I want the truth."

"You killed my guards and have committed war crimes for the Velaryon boy?" Aemeryn gritted her teeth and pressed her sword harder.

"That boy was my brother. Tell me what happened!"

"I don't know! I didn't see anything after they went outside!"

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