Chapter 29

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Aemeryn looked between the three people standing in front of her with increasing horror. She knew Aemond hadn't meant what he said, but she shouldn't have announced her attempt in front of everyone.

"What do you mean again?" Daemon asked as he tore his gaze away from Aemeryn to look at Rhaenyra. He knew Aemeryn had been sad years ago, but had she truly been that sad? And when had she tried to have Vermithor kill her?

Aemeryn was openly sobbing at this point. Aemond moved to go to her, but Rhaenyra shot him a glare before she went to her daughter and wrapped her arms around her. She ignored the blood covering Aemeryn and now herself.

"Leave us," Rhaenyra demanded without looking behind her. Jace was unconscious and wouldn't hear the conversation, and she knew that Aemeryn wouldn't want to talk about it in front of others.

"What?" Aemond asked softly. He was positive he was going into shock, but he deserved nothing less.

"Nyra, fuck that. She's my daughter too!"

Baela and Rhaena quietly left the room before things became ugly. They knew that Rhaenyra was hanging on by a thread as it was, and they weren't about to witness her murder two men in the family.

Rhaenyra shushed Aemeryn softly and ran her hand down her hair. Gods, all she wanted to do was punch Aemond square in the nose. Hell, she wanted to hit Daemon too. Rhaenyra pulled away from Aemeryn and put her hands on her face before smiling at her softly. As she turned, the smile fell and turned into a glare.

Aemond took a step back at the look Rhaenyra was giving him. She walked over and stopped slightly in front of both of them. Her gaze darted between the two men as she thought about who to hurt first before landing on Aemond.

"You," Rhaeynra hissed as she pointed at Aemond, "caused the death of one of my children already, and then you have the gall to tell my daughter to kill herself? All because she is scared of having a baby? Because of you?" Rhaenyra asked as she turned to look at Daemon. Aemond finally took his gaze off of Aemeryn and looked over to Daemon. That was the second time that Aemond heard Daemon had been the cause of something being wrong with Aemeryn. Rhaenyra walked over to Daemon and shoved him as hard as she could.

Aemond jumped and moved out of the way. He hadn't meant to move to Aemeryn, but he found himself next to her quivering form while they watched her parents. Daemon simply let his wife shove him and strike his chest repeatedly.

"Em," Aemond said softly as he reached out for her. Aemeryn didn't look at him and simply took a step away from him. He let his hand fall back down to rest at his side but kept his gaze on her profile. He had definitely hit his mark with his words, and now he was regretting them, just like he knew he would. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

Aemeryn closed her eyes before turning to look at Aemond. Tears had left streaks through the blood coating her face, and Aemond was almost positive taking a mace to the chest would hurt less. He hadn't just hurt her- he had completely obliterated her with his words. He was supposed to love her, protect her, and he told her to die.

"I-" Aemeryn started but closed her mouth again. She had nothing to say to Aemond right now. She didn't even want to look at him. She knew she would eventually forgive him, just as her mother always forgave Daemon, but she couldn't do that right now.

Aemond couldn't stop the images of Aemeryn lying dead somewhere from attacking his mind. He knew that seeing Laena die with Vhagar had damaged Daemon, but Daemon hadn't loved Laena like Aemond loved Aemeryn. Aemond felt like he was suspended as the air was taken from his lungs. He had lived without Aemeryn before, but he had known she was alive and safe on Dragonstone. He knew that he would see her again and that they would be wed.

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