Chapter 19

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Aemond held Aemeryn's hand tightly in his own as they walked through Flea Bottom together. They both had their cloaks on, and Aemeryn kept her head down so no one would stare at her face and notice who she was. Aemond, however, kept his head up and looked around them, almost paranoid.

"What's the matter?" Aemeryn asked softly as she finally lifted her head when Aemond squeezed her hand a little too hard. His gaze was fixed on a building they were walking by. Aemeryn followed his gaze and landed on a woman around his mother's age standing in the open doorway. She was saying goodbye to a man on the stoop, and Aemeryn knew she was looking at a brothel. When had Aemond ever gone to a brothel? He didn't relax until they had walked past it. "Aemond?"

"Hmm?" He looked down at Aemeryn and smiled softly.

"What was that about?"

"What was what about, little dove?" Aemond asked as he brought their conjoined hands to his mouth and kissed the back of hers.

Aemeryn arched a brow and pointed over her shoulder. "Your reaction to the brothel. Have you been there before?"

"Please don't ask me to talk about it, Em," Aemond said quietly as he kept his gaze in front of him. Aemeryn frowned but nodded even though he couldn't see her.

Stone gave way to sand as they finally made their way down to the beach. Vermithor landed and made a strange purring noise when he saw his rider. Aemeryn smiled at her giant dragon before reaching him to pet his snout. Aemond grabbed her hips and turned her to face him. He gazed down at her with worry as he pressed his lips to hers softly.

"I'll be okay, Aemond," Aemeryn whispered as she rubbed his cheek.

"Come back to me?"

"Tomorrow night as soon as the sun sets." Aemond smiled softly and backed away from Aemeryn.

"I love you, Aemeryn."

"I love you, Aemond." Aemeryn gave him a small smile before she mounted Vermithor and took to the skies.


"We have to find her!" Rhaenyra's shrill shriek is the first thing that greeted Aemeryn's ears when she walked through the door of Dragonstone. She could hear other voices, but they weren't yelling like her mother was.

Aemeryn, being eaten by guilt, took off in a run toward the sound of her mother's voice. She found Rhaenyra pacing in the throne room wringing her hands together in worry. Jace and Joffrey stood off to the side watching her with worry. Baela and Rhaena stood slightly in front of Daemon by the throne.

"Mother, we'll find her," Jace tried to comfort his mother. Rhaenyra looked at Daemon and glared. Joffrey was the first one to turn and see Aemeryn standing wide eyed in the doorway.

"Em!" He yelled as he ran to her. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Aemeryn looked down at his dark curls before rubbing his back and looking back up.

Rhaenyra was the next one to run to her daughter and hugged her tightly. Jace came up next and hugged her free side. Even Baela and Rhaena joined the group hug.

"Where were you?" Rhaenyra asked softly as she pressed multiple kisses to Aemeryn's temple.

"You're squishing me!" Joffrey cried out. Rhaenyra and Aemeryn let out soft laughs as they broke the group hug to let Joffrey out. He huffed and ran his hands down his little red tunic.

"Em..." Jace let his voice trail off as he stared at her neck.

"Your neck!" Rhaena cried as she caught sight of the bruise in the shape of their father's hand.

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