Chapter 18

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Aemeryn landed Vermithor on the beaches of King's Landing. She was glad that her cloak was still in the bag attached to his side and quickly put it on to hide her hair. Even being at King's Landing was asking for trouble and death, but Aemeryn found she didn't care as she walked from the beach to Flea Bottom. Vermithor flew off silently to go wherever it was that he went while she was at King's Landing.

No one gave her a second glance when she walked into the pub she had frequented everytime she came to King's Landing. A different barman was behind the bar than normal, and, in a way, Aemeryn was glad. The normal barman would know her despite the cloak. She sat gold coins on the counter top and slid them to the barman.

"Just keep them coming."

Aemeryn drank and drank and drank. She listened to conversations flow and ebb around her. She listened to men call her mother a whore and call Aegon a traitor. She listened to people wish for her mother's death and for Aegon's death. Aemeryn just kept drinking.

The room had begun to spin when she finally stood and stumbled back outside. She had no clue what time it was, but the moon was still out. Aemeryn turned and stumbled in the direction of the Red Keep. One of the tunnel entrances was near Flea Bottom, and she somehow found it in her drunken state. There was one door she was looking for, and Aemeryn stumbled through the tunnels to find it.

She was almost positive muscle memory was helping her in these tunnels because there should have been no way she was finding her way through. The wall was helping keep her upright as she walked slowly. Aemeryn finally found the door and snorted as she laughed in giddiness.

"Found you!" She covered her mouth as she began to laugh harder. The door was jerked open, and she was pulled roughly into the room. Her hood fell back from the rush of air, and she looked up into the angry, then surprised face of Aemond.

"Aemeryn?" He asked softly as he quickly dropped the dagger in his hand to the floor. Aemeryn let her drunken gaze roam down Aemond's half naked body. She had apparently woke him up. His hair was a mess, and he was shirtless. His sleep pants were hanging off of his hips, and Aemeryn grinned.

"Well, hello husband," she slurred as she ran her finger along his abs. Aemond arched his brow at her and grabbed her hand.

"Aemeryn Velaryon, are you drunk?" Aemeryn lifted her other hand and tried to put her finger to his lips but hit his chin instead.

"It's Targaryen, not Velaryon." Aemond grinned down at her and grabbed her arms when she stumbled into his chest as she tried to walk.

"Why are you here, little dove?" He asked softly as he glanced at his door. He knew Ser Erryk was posted right outside, but he knew that he was loyal to Rhaenyra and wouldn't say anything if he heard Aemeryn's rambling. He closed the hidden door that led to the tunnels, and Aemeryn tilted her head back instead of turning her body to watch him. Aemond saw the bruises on her neck and froze. "Em?"

"Hmmm?" She hummed as she stood straight again. Aemeryn looked at his neck and grinned as she stood on her tiptoes to plant wet kisses to his neck.

"What happened to your neck?"

Aemeryn peered into his eye in confusion. Aemond kept his gaze on her neck as he moved her hair out of the way. He could tell the bruise was a handprint once he got a good look at it. Rage overtook his body as he stared. Who dared to hurt his wife? He reached out with a shaking hand to brush his fingers along her neck, but Aemeryn stumbled out of his reach. Aemond looked up when Aemeryn's back slammed into the hidden door with a grin because he thought she stumbled out of drunkenness. The grin faded when he saw the fear in her eyes.

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