Chapter 3 - Theodore

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Evelyn's PoV:

Tears were streaming my face in embarrassment and shame at what just happened. After a few seconds I realise my head is on someone's chest with my arms gripping their sides in a tight grip so I quickly let go and step back.

As I look up from the floor I see their wearing white Nike air forces as well as baggy light blue jeans, a white T-shirt that you can see poking out from under the black hoodie that is layered on top.

Hands with veins and nice shiny rings which are littered on their fingers. My eyes make their way up as I see they have muscular arms. Maybe they go to the gym or play a sport I wish my muscles were like that I don't think I have any at all.

I tilt my head up higher and I am met with chains around their neck, a gemstone, one with a cross and finally a Bas Relief pendant necklace. Then I see a sharp jawline, cute lips, pretty blue eyes that I could get lost in that don't even compare to my hazel ones. Their hair looks soft as a cloud and I just want to reach my hand out to touch it but they would probably be offended by it.

After I have got over my state of shock I realise it's a male and I must just been gaping at them. I might have made him uncomfortable, plus I probably look horrid with tears coming down my face and snot coming down my nose which I quickly wipe a way with a tissue. I take a dead breath to try and calm down, whilst wiping my tears away, so I can speak to the poor person I have probably hurt as I just collided into them.

With one last deep breath I apologise "I am so so sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you or fall into you I tripped over someone's foot I'm sorry, I should have looked where I was going," I breath out, and ask,"Are you ok?" whilst wiping my face again with shaking fingers.

He looks confused as he tilts his head as if I've asked him something I shouldn't have.

After a pregnant pause he finally replies "Fine".

His voice is so deep and rough that it makes butterflies go of in my stomach, but now is not the time to be thinking about that. "Are you sure? Do you want a plaster or erm you can have my chocolate bar if that would make you feel better?"

"Im Fine" he says again.

"O-Ok only if your sure," I gasp as I forgot to ask him for his name, "Sorry, what's your name I forgot to ask?" I say looking at him smiling softly.

"Theodore" He voices with a straight face.

"Ok Theo, is it ok if I call you Theo? Anyway I better go find my friends so they can take me to class," I state as I remember my friends must be around somewhere as they must be be waiting for me, " I'm so sorry again let me know if there's anything I can do for you". I look around to see it isn't so busy anymore so I walk in the direction I was meant to go with my head down, cheeks red and flushed, looking at the floor as I'm still embarrassed.

What I fail to notice is the people who are still left in the hallway with jaws hanging down to the floor in shock of who I just bumped into and spoke to.

As I continue walking I look up as I hear heavy footsteps and see my friends speed walking towards me with worried looks on their faces.


"Ev!" Summer and Elijah shouted at the same time whilst wrapping me in a hug that makes me feel safe and calm. I smile slightly at them because I have missed them even though I wasn't gone that long.

"What happened? We're so sorry we separated from you we didn't know that would happen but we promise it won't happen again". Summer pleaded to me with wide eyes.

As I explain what happened to them about me falling into Theo and making a fool out of myself as I fell apart right in front of him whilst gaping mouth wide like a fish at him.

"Are you ok? And whose Theo?" Elijah asks like he doesn't know a person call Theo.

"I'm ok, I think I hurt Theo though, but I did ask him if he needed a plaster but he said no, well he just said he was fine. I did offer him chocolate I can't believe he turned that offer down". I exclaim softly whilst looking at them both.

"Ok as long as your ok that's good but Evelyn whose Theo?" Summer asks concerned.

"Oh Theo, well I call him Theo his name is actually Theodore". I happily say to them.

"What did he look like?" Elijah says as he looks at summer communicating with her by their eyes.

"Erm tall, has rings, pretty eyes like the ocean, did you know that not all the ocean has been discovered crazy right?," I say, "wait what was the question again sorry?".

They both sigh deeply looking at me like I'm a child. "What did Theodore look like Evelyn?" Elijah says sternly making me feel like I've done something wrong because he only calls me my full name if it's serious.

"Oh right, he has curly, fluffy hair, aswell as necklaces one of them looks like Saturn". I continue on.

"Ev you remember the people we told you about in the car about be careful who you bump into?," Summer says slowly. I nod my head remembering what she said. "Well from what you just told us you bumped into the Theodore we was on about as him and his friends all have the necklace you described to look like Saturn and he wears rings with curly hair." She finishes whilst I stay silent trying to process the information she has told me as that means I bumped into one of the most feared person in the school who only speaks to his friends.

What have I done?

I start panicking because I didn't mean to bump into him as it wasn't my fault but the foots. But technically it is my fault because I should have been more careful and watched where I was going.

I hope he doesn't tell me of for it, or bully me because I don't want primary school to happen all over again.

It wasn't a fun time for me, the people who I once called my friends suddenly started to say mean words about how I look and throw things on me which made me really upset they even told other people rumours about me which made everyone hate me apart from Summer and Elijah. It started getting worse at each day passed.

That's why Summer and Elijah are so overprotective of me and don't want me to get on the wrong side of people as they are worried it will happen again and I don't know what I would do if I did. I once found a lake in the woods near my house and decided to get a closer look but I didn't realise they were hidden and were following me there. They pushed me in. I was drowning until someone came by and saved me. That was one of my fears. I couldn't swim at the time spout I have taken swimming lessons so just incase it does happen again for some reason I know I will survive.They made my worst fears come a reality. I just pray he won't do they same thing as them.

- -      -    

We finally made it to the classroom after what seemed like years but was only a couple of minutes. We ended up being a minute late which made me feel a bit uneasy but Summer just explained that I was new so the teacher let me of for it.

All I have to do is get through this lesson and then I can meet up with my best friends again. After this lesson is break so then I can eat as my tummy is going to start growling like an animal, and I don't want anyone to hear it because that's also embarrassing.

I hope the rest of the day goes ok.

Authors note:

What do you think so far?
Any ideas you want me to add to the story?
Any scenarios?

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