Chapter 1 - First day

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Evelyn's pov:

It's not everyday you have to wake up to go to a new school.

I opened my eyes when I heard my alarm clock beeping telling me it's time to get up for my first day at a new school. Waking up this early should be a crime, why should I have to get out of my warm, comfortable bed where I can dream about cute animals running around in the garden with cute outfits on.

As I'm about to get comfy again my door is swung open with such force it almost comes right back and nearly hits them in the face. As I peak an eye open I see my mum stood there about to come tell me to get my lazy self out of bed and get changed.

I guess being homeschooled does have its perks sometimes. Eventually, I decide to get out of my safe space and get changed into my comfy clothes which consist of my favourite leggings, and an oversized hoodie with some random T-shirt underneath that I had just pulled out from my drawers and can't forget my white shoes.

Slowly, I manage to make it downstairs without falling back asleep as I force my eyes to stay open. The sweet aroma of pancakes enters my nose which makes my day the slightest bit better so far.

"Enjoy your sleep Evelyn?" My dad says quietly as I enter the kitchen where he is sat at the table with a cup of coffee to start his day.

I sigh softly, "Yes thank you dad, did you enjoy yours?" I reply as I join him at the table and dig in to my food after I poured myself a glass of fresh orange juice.

He chuckles, "I would have if your mum wasn't snoring in my ear, I was almost tempted to roll her onto her side or sleep on the sofa". I giggle quietly to myself as I see my mum making her way down the stairs in her dressing gown looking angry but I secretly know she isn't.

"You will be sleeping on the sofa tonight if you say anymore," she says jokingly but then turns serious "Also I do not snore thank you very much I think it's you who does". I shake my head slowly as I finish up eating my pancakes.

I'm about to leave my seat to exit the room to go brush my teeth and do my morning skincare when my mum suddenly turns to me whilst smiling and says "How are you getting to school? Is Elijah and summer picking you up?". Me, Summer and Elijah have been friends since primary school and I have still stayed in contact with them even though I left them. I think that's why we're such great friends as we always find a way to talk to each other no matter the cost.

Nodding my head quickly I state "Yes there coming soon so I should quickly get changed as I don't want to be late and make them late either".

"Ok, I won't keep you any longer then, make sure you have everything you need before you go". She says slowly to me as if I will forget. Which I won't forget because I already packed my bag with everything I can think of; feminine products just incase someone needs them, my pencil case, my notebooks, aswell as a book so I can read at lunch aswell as everything else including extras because I don't want to make an embarrassment of my self on the first day.

I hurriedly make my way upstairs and to the bathroom which is next to my bedroom. As I brush my teeth I make the mistake of looking at myself in the mirror. Spots is all I can see that litter my chin, scars of one's that I once picked at. It makes me feel anxious that I don't have smooth glass skin that other people have. I hope no one judges me for it. At least I have pretty eyes and a thick bottom lip I suppose.

Telling myself not to cry and that I look fine as I am I quickly tie my hair into a mid-ponytail whilst putting on some extra hairbands (or bobbles) on my wrists. I apply my daily moisturiser and style my eyebrows aswell as add some lip gloss onto my lips because I like when they look glossy. I spray some of my favourite perfume on as I don't want people to think I smell bad.

I hear a car horn honk outside my house. I run to my window and peer outside and I see my best friends sticking their heads out the windows of the car looking like dogs with their tongue stuck out. I chuckle and sprint downstairs. When I reach the bottom step I slip but luckily I managed to catch myself in time before I fall. I sweep down and pick up my bag aswell as my lucky charm bracelet that was on the counter.

"Have a good day sweetheart" exclaims my dad.

"Your getting so big now but you'll always be my sweet little girl" cries my mum in my dads arms.

I wave to my parents and say excitedly"I'll be fine, I won't be gone for that long (yes I will, sorry for lying mum I'll be gone for about 6 hours), love you both goodbye"

After waving and sending my love to them both I step outside and breath a breath of fresh air before getting in the car where my friends are waiting patiently for me as I go to sit in the back middle seat. Smiling brightly to them both I give them both a huge hug as I haven't seen them in so long and I have missed them. "Hiii guys how have you guys been? Are you excited? I'm excited. Are you excited? I hope I look ok. Do I look ok?" I say rambling as my thoughts just come out of my mouth without no sign of stopping.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down girl, breath otherwise I don't want you passing out in front of me. We have both been fine. I assure you school is nothing to be excited about and your look perfect don't you worry your pretty little head with those thoughts". Summer says softly trying to make sure I process everything she is saying.

"Yeah what she said Ev,"Elijah agrees, " I could be doing much better things then being in car with Summer who decides to blast out rock music as if she's trying to make so loud that she can't hear me".

I laugh to myself as I let myself think of something else and listen carefully to what there both saying. "That's exactly what I'm trying to do you idiot, I don't need to hear you whining about having to go back to school in my ear when I'm going through the same pain".

Elijah crosses his arms looking like and angry child that can't get their way. "What are people like at East coast Academy?". I say unsure of what I have just decided to walk into. Summer glances at Elijah for a hot second before looking at me through the mirror to look at me every once in a while whilst she's driving.

She glances back at the road before turning the music down so I can hear her as she must be serious which only makes me more anxious as I don't want what happened in primary to happen to me again. She sighs lowly before stating " There are many good people who I am sure you will get along with just fine but there are a few people who I just want you to be aware of because I don't want you to be scared if you see them because they are tall and look scary,"she takes a deep breath in and then exhales before continuing, " There is a trio who are popular and they are known to never leave each others sides. First person is like the leader or who is known to be quiet and only speak to his friends, his name is Theodore. The other person is Silas who is like his right hand man, he is the sarcastic and funny one in the group who thinks he's the class clown. Finally is their other friend who is called Matteo, he is known as the fighter as he gets into fights sometimes." She finished as I take a moment to take it all in and try to remember the information that has just been given to me. I look over at Elijah and it looks like his cheeks and ears are red. Is he...blushing? I'll have to ask him about that later.

"Are they mean to people? Is he ok, the boy who gets into fights?". I exclaim as I twiddle with the hair and on my wrist that keeps me from scratching at my arms.

"No there only mean if you say something that offends them or get in their way but they most likely won't speak to you, and yes Matteo's ok don't worry about him". Elijah says looking at me which calms my nerves slightly. I look out the window and see that we're pulling into a parking space which is right outside the school. I look near the front of the school and see some pretty cars and a motorbike. I wonder who they belong to.

Authors note:
I hope you enjoy the first chapter of His Angel. Let me know if their are any mistakes and I will fix them also don't be afraid to say what I should add in future chapters to come as I would be happy to hear your ideas. :)

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