Chapter 6 - Bunny

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Evelyn's PoV:

Although I love English I can't help but stare out of the window to have a look outside. The sun is shining brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over everything below. The grass is a vibrant green sawing gently in the breeze with the trees rustling and the chirping birds as the move from branch to branch. Blooming flowers fill the air with a sweet scent. The sky is a shade of blue with only a few clouds in sights.

The weather is nice but watching sunsets or sunrises are my favourite things. Watching the Sun dip below the horizon, and the sky being painted by a beautiful array of colours. It starts with a warm yellow which fades into a soft orange, then pink and finally a deep purple. The clouds are also shades of pinks and reds making a breathtaking scene. Everything seems to slow down and I feel at peace. It's lovely picture to paint or just enjoy my surroundings. It makes me feel grateful for the simple pleasures in life.

After a bit longer of looking outside I see the bushes shake and a cute, white bunny comes out of it with its eyes wide and alert. It hops around and nibbles on the grass with its little teeth. It's hard not to love them when they look so cute. Not knowing what I was doing I lean towards the window to get a closer look at the fluffy animal. With my hand to the window I gape at it with a wide smile on my face, wishing to have it in my arms.

In awe of the little thing I don't comprehend the fact that my teacher is shouting at me and everyone is staring at me until I feel a light tap on my arm.

Looking down to see where the tap came from I see Theo who is sat there adorably staring at me with an admirable look on his face, while I'm leaning over him totally in his bubble.

I quickly scramble to get back in my seat, " Theo I didn't mean to invade your personal space their was just a really cute bunny, did you see it? It was adorable." I say apologetically, as I think about the little creature. But all I seem to be doing today is making mistakes, I can't help it I guess it just follows me.

He nods his head. "It's ok" With a smirk on his face, I hope he isn't mad at me but I think someone is. I look to the front of the class where the English teacher is looking at me disappointedly.

"Evelyn, stop ignoring me and sit down, you've now held the class up because you can't listen to instruction and pay attention!" He almost shouts.

"S-sorry sir it w-won't happen again". My hands shake underneath my sleeves as everyone's looking at me and I just got shouted at. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying as I look down at the table and try to forget what has happened but I couldn't help it. With one last quick look to the window I try to get back to what I was supposed to do.

I'm sure Summer and Elijah will be mad at me aswell for not doing as I was told, but I didn't mean to.

A tear falls down my cheek but I'm quick to wipe it away before anyone saw. With one last apology to Theo aswell I wonder if people are judging me and how careless I am as get back to looking at the board, with my hands still tremble making it difficult for me to write.

Theo's PoV:

I am in the middle of writing what was on the board when someone's body climbs in front of me as they rest their hand on the window as they gape outside with so much love.

I look above me and see Evelyn. Crazy girl. I hear laughing beside me and my friends are laughing at the situation with their hands over their mouths and the boy, who I know is named Elijah, beside Matteo giggles aswell but the female by Silas just shakes her head looking unamused. Idiots.

I peer outside to see what she's looking at and it turns out theirs a little bunny that has appeared out of a bush or something. It hasn't even been that long into the lesson and I have fount out she likes animals so much. I hear the man at the front tell her to sit down and stop looking at the window but she ignores him to interested in the baby rabbit to hear him.

Not wanting her to get in trouble I gentle tap her arm as it seems as if I talk to her she won't realise. She turns towards me and must realise what position she's in because she moves away from me to go back to her seat. I stare at her in amusement.

She says sorry to me for invading my space, I don't really mind. The smile on her face is worth it. I nod my head saying I saw the bunny but I mainly paid attention to her pretty face. She turns back to the front but she looks as if she's going to cry when our teacher shouts at her for disrupting the lesson. I almost shout at him for making him cry but instead a focus on the way she's shaking and that she's shanking that badly she can't even right. A tear went down her face and wipes it away quickly.

I wish I could do something to make her happy.

- - -

I'm going to ask her to swap seats with me. I just have the urge to see that smile back on her face as it hurts to see her so devastated. Then she can look out the window without leaning over me, not that I mind, but she won't get told of by the teacher and feel bad for doing something that makes her excited.

"Evelyn". I say trying not to be so loud as I know she doesn't like attention by the way she tries to make herself smaller and fiddles with her sleeves.

She looks at me wondering if it was actually me who spoke because I don't really start the conversation I just answer the questions she asks me. "Yes Theo?"

"Swap seats?" I try to say the reason why but it doesn't come out my how I imagined it to. Instead she looks at me confused as to why I'm asking her to swap seats with me.

"Why, what's wrong?" She worries as she looks me in the eyes as if that will give her the answer she's looking for.

"You look out the window". I say trying to get her to understand what I want but not knowing how to say it to her. My leg bounces slightly in fear of her declining and thinking I'm weird for offering.

Slowly she says to me " You want me to swap seats with you so I can look out the window?" clearly confused.

I nod and point to her "Happy, bunny."

She looks shocked in realisation of what I mean so she says it to me again as if processing what I'm asking. "You want swap seats with you, so I can look out the window to see the bunny as it will make me... happy". I nod again and she looks at me with a smile on her face like when she saw the bunnies. It makes me even happier knowing I was the reason for it and she was no longer upset.

"Ok if your sure, thank you" She almost bounces out of her gleaming. I get out of my seat and wait for her to slip in mine before sitting in what was her seat. I move her things over and take mine of her.

The rest of the lesson goes by with her taking glances out the window and looking at the front of the class with wide eyes and her lips turned upwards beaming.

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