Chapter 9 - Football

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I apologise again for not writing as much but I have been busy and having writers block.

Do you want to see Theodores PoV?
What do you like so far?


Evelyn's PoV:

Todays the day of the boys football match at school. I can't wait! It will be so fun and I can finally experience something new which I'm ecstatic about. I will be able to hear the crowd and see what the atmosphere is like. I hope our school wins, but I don't want Theo to get hurt though, or his friends.

After doing my daily routine and trying to convince myself I look fine and that no one will care about my appearance and imperfections, I head downstairs to ask my parents if I can go. I hope they say yes.

"Morning mum and dad," I smile brightly at them, "There is a football match today at 5pm that my friends have invited me to, is it ok if I go?"

"Of course you can go, just be safe because it's your first time and let us know when you get there though because we will be at work" My dad says sternly but I know he just wants me safe.

"Your dads right sweetie, let us know when your going home and if something happens let us know immediately, ok?" Mum says happily to me.

"Ok, thank you so much!" I say squealing slightly in happiness. I run to get my phone and let the group chat know, it has me, Summer and Elijah in. It's called; the best people ever!

Best people ever! 😎🤪       



Summer ☀️: Hey Evelyn!


Summer ☀️: What

Are you ok?




Summer ☀️: Yay

I wont be alone with this idiot.

Me: Welp, got to go now see you soon!

Eli: BYEE!

Summer ☀️: I'll be there soon!

A few minutes later, once I had put on my shoes and got my things, I heard a beep outside which means their here.


(Time skip: after school)

It's been a whole day of endless school work and homework but I managed to speak to my new friend, Olivia, again because we was in a different class together which was so fun! I learnt that she likes dogs and in her spare time she likes to learn witchcraft, which I thought was cool, and read fantasy books. In return she asked me questions which I answered for her.

The rest of the lessons went on fine but some of the lessons felt like they were going on for ages and I think I almost fell asleep but I was trying to keep my eyes open, promise. But, we was watching something and I don't want to sound mean but it was a-bit boring to watch. I hope that's not mean.

At lunch we sat with Theo and his group again and I think he's making progress he's speaking more to more even if it's only the teeniest tiniest bit but I'm happy about it. His friend Silas is really funny but him and Eli team up on me saying innocent like a kitten. Theo smelt good like always and at lunch he gave me a little bit of his food. Yummy.

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