Chapter 4 - Feelings

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Theodores POV:

(His point of view from the last chapter)

I walked out of class as usual with my one of my best friends Matteo while Silas waits for us outside of class because he just had biology. I don't think they realise how much they mean to me because I don't show it often but I am forever grateful for them. There like my brothers from another mother. They're always there for me when I need them and have never judged me for my anxiety or my fears of my dad. And they know I'll always support them and be there for them as well. We have know each other since primary and have bonded ever since, although we may fall out we know nothing can get between us. We all play football with each other  but have different hobbies as I draw, Matteo plays the guitar because he loves music and rap and rock and Silas cooks as it makes him feel calm and reminds him of his mum. We all have our flaws and weaknesses as that makes us who we are but we don't judge each other for it.

"Hey man!" I say to Silas as we walk up to him and give a pat on the back as a greeting.

"How was class Silas?" Matteo asks him as they do there usual handshake.

"Boring as always but there's this new girl who was in class today I think her name was Evelyn when she replied to the register," Silas says enthusiastically, "She's pretty adorable quite shy though and small, like a worried kitten".

"Oh maybe we will have to introduce ourselves to her". Matteo states and I wonder what she looks like or who she hangs out with.

The bell rings next to us telling us to get to class, "Bye guys" I say so because we have to go our separate ways because we don't have any lessons together for second period. They all say goodbye back and we discuss where we're meeting for break which is at our usual table in the lunch hall where we spend out lunch chilling.

As I walk down the corridor people step aside away from me letting me get past. I don't really mind it but I don't want them to look at me in fear because every time I think of my dad and it's how I used to look up at him and I don't want to be like my dad I just want respect I didn't want to become this well known.

The corridor only seems to get more crowded making it difficult for my frame to get through as people rush to get to their next class. The walls are white with lockers painted a pastel blue, some with dents where people have kicked. The sound of lockers opening and closing as people get their books out fill my ears. I'm more alert in a crowded area as anything could happen. White walls are decorated with posters and announcements of what's to come. I can hear the echoes of heavy footsteps and, chatter and laughter in the hallway.

What I failed to notice is a girl. A girl who tripped and fell into me. It only came to me when I felt a body collide into mine with a thud. I didn't realise it was a girl until I looked down and saw her tear stricken face with her hands grasping tightly onto my hips bracing her from her fall. One moment her hands were their with her head on my chest and then they were gone and she took a step back away from me but she didn't look scared just worried.

As I looked at her face I thought she was beautiful and captivating. Although she was crying she looked stunning, her wavy hair was brushed into a ponytail with some parts took out and framed her face. Her hazel eyes glowed under the light with specks of green and gold.They glistened and were inviting and warm as I could never stop looking at them. Her cheeks were flushed red and as I looked further down to her face I could see her plump lips that were shiny and looked like a cherry red but wobbled slightly as she tried to stop crying and took a deep breath.

After what seemed like hours but was probably a few seconds we both got out of our state of shock and we both must of realised we were gaping at each other. She wiped her tears and face with a tissue and spoke.

"I am so so sorry, I really didn't mean to hurt you or fall into you I tripped on someone's foot I'm sorry, I should have looked where I was going," she breathed in again and breathed out and carried on, "Are you ok?" She rambled which only made me want to get to her her more for some odd reason. I tilted my head to the side slightly as I was taken aback by the fact she asked if I was ok, no one has ever asked me that before apart from my friends and my mum, normally people just run of in fright as there scared of what I might do. It makes my stomach turn tightly and I feel something I've never felt before like as if someone cared. Her voice is so light and gentle, like a lullaby I just want her to keep talking to me. I don't really remember the last time someone asked me if I was ok.

It took me a while to respond as I was still trying to process what she just asked me. She even apologised and thought she hurt me but she never did it felt like a soft tap at least. I'm not used to speaking to other people so all I reply with is "fine".

She speaks again " Are you sure? Do you want a plaster or erm you can have my chocolate bar if that would make you feel better?"

I'm grateful she asked if I was ok again but I wasn't hurt so there's no need to offer me anything though I appreciate her asking also because no one has don't this. I didn't know how to reply so I day the same thing again. "I'm fine".

After she notices I'm actually ok and not harmed in anyway she stutters " O-ok only if you're sure", and gasps as if she forgot to ask me something, "Sorry, what's your name I forgot to ask?" She says smiling at me, I'm glad she's not crying anymore as it made my hands clench to my sides thinking I was the reason she cried and it broke my heart seeing her that way. Why? I don't know.

Although I want to smile which is strange because I rarely smile at anyone unless it's my mum and my little sister because they have my heart and I would have it no other way. I respond by telling her my name is Theodore and she speaks again which I don't really mind because it calms me hearing her talk as it's soothing.

"Ok Theo, is it ok if I call you Theo? Anyway I better go find my friends so they can take me to class," She looks around the now not so busy hallway probably in search of her friends, "I'm so sorry agin let me know if there's anything I can do for you". Then she walks away quickly with her head down and cheeks still flushed which makes me adore her. When she says my name as Theo it makes me honoured that she has given me a nickname and it also makes me feel special.

But as if in a dream like state I suddenly remember something. I forgot to ask her for her name! With a sigh I look around and see people looking at her and me with gaping mouths and wide ape yes shocked that I didn't do something about her walking into me and speaking to me because others know that I don't tolerate that but for her I'll make an exception.

I walk down the corridor again to get to my class but I don't care if I get told if if I'm late because usually I'm late anyway. All I have to do is get through this lesson and then it's break where I can relax.

But what I can't stop thinking about in class is the beautiful brunette girl who I bumped into and her soothing voice.

I hope I bump into her again soon.

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