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Well, some things don't change. She chuckled as she was perched on a high tree branch watching the mansion. She couldn't help but slip the note in the book. Poor little High Lord, indeed. It seemed like Eris hasn't changed much since the last time she spoke with him. Gods, that must have been over three hundred years ago. She knew it would happen, but it still hurt that he didn't recognize her. A small part hoped there was even a tiny bit that would remember her. All those damned curses. She knew the brothers would never remember her, even though they weren't cursed. Maybe she needed to try Lucien. If she knew where to gods damned find him.

The first time she saw Eris again in a while was a few months ago, she had slipped in the mansion then. He and his brothers were in the dining room having dinner. It was easy to find, the mansion was still the same even after three hundred years. She had rustled the curtains on purpose to see if anyone would notice. Eris had looked, even it was only for a second.

She followed him out into the woods after that. Heard the wind and trees whisper the family name like it did all those years ago. She walked past him, knowing where he would go and climbed in his favourite Red Oak tree. She hung upside down, her lips close to his ear when she whispered his name. The look on his face nearly made her burst out laughing. She hopped from one tree to another before a giggle escaped her.

Distracting and taking out the guards went even easier than she expected. She didn't need to really; with her gifts she could have just slipped past them without any of them noticing. She was called The Ghost for a reason. But seeing Eris's stunned face when he called for his guards a few minutes later, was totally worth it.

She had been in contact with the High Lord himself for the past months. That's why she was here. She had a meeting with him in a few days but couldn't help but torment his son first. She couldn't wait to see his reaction when he saw her with his father.

Beron. She grew up with him. She knew about his ways of ruling, about his cruelty towards... everyone. But especially towards his wife and Lucien. Gods, how she had missed them. She hoped to see them both soon. She had lived at the Autumn Court until her 167th birthday before she got in her line of work. Her gifts were... unique. The last one she knew that had the same gifts was a Fae female that lived over a thousand years ago. Maybe, once upon a time, there were more like her, but not now. And because of those gifts, she was in high demand. She wasn't constricted to one Court. She was a hired gun, so to speak. She has been hired by almost every Court in Prythian and well beyond those lands. Lands most of the people here had never set a foot on. It wasn't the first time Beron asked for her assistance, but it was the first time he invited her back to his home.

When the three annoying younger brothers came outside, walking towards a fighting pit, she rolled her eyes and went on her way. She would see them all soon enough.

For her meeting with Beron, she chose a different attire then her fighting leathers. She opted for a thin silk dress, showing just the tip of her tattoo between her breasts. She loved to let the people guessing. A slit went to her thigh and the small straps on her shoulder barely held the dress together. But that was the point. Other than Beron, maybe Eris, that would depend on if Beron would share his intel with his heir, he didn't the last time. But other than Beron, nobody knew who or what she was. And she would like to keep it that way. Let them all think she's a weak, fragile female. Whose only thoughts are about pretty dresses and finding a Mate. She snorted at the last one as she strode to the front gates. She didn't want a Mate and she made sure it wouldn't happen. Not many know it, but there are ways to block out the pull or the click to ones Mate. She found a way a few years after she left the Autumn Court. Witches who lived on the Mortal lands made her a potion. Maybe she had crossed her Mate already, maybe not. But she didn't like to be bound to a male or female. She liked her freedom too much. Her freedom to travel without needing to leave one behind, liked her freedom to fuck whoever and whenever she wanted. She grew bored easily. She had Fae's, Mortals, Witches. Wraiths, Water-Wraiths, Urisk, you name it. She didn't want to be tied down by a Fae or Mortal Mate. Because once the bond is there, even not official, there would always be a pull. And she wasn't having any of that. Let the others all deal with it. Not her.

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