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An hour later, she and Eris were in the back of the carriage, lying down on the soft furs. It took half an hour of arguing with Walt before she agreed to rest. She glanced to the red-haired male beside her, already fast asleep. It took him only seconds when his head fell on the furs for him to doze off. She couldn't blame him; he had not slept at all last night. Her eyes found the window and the cobalt sky above her. She fell asleep as she watched the rose-tinged clouds drift before her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

She opened her eyes and looked to Eris. He was still asleep but was twisting and turning in his sleep. His brows were furrowed, and his lips parted.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm sorry."

"Eris." She came closer, taking his hand in hers.

"I will kill you for this!"

No, it couldn't be. He couldn't remember that day, could he? She cupped his cheeks. "Eris. ERIS, wake up!"

"Don't. Touch. Her." He growled, his eyes remained closed.

She leaned her head against his. "Eris, please wake up." She whispered, her thumbs sliding over his cheeks. Then he opened his eyes, tears filled them, and she kept her hands and head right there because of it. "Eris." She said softly.

"Terrin." His voice cracked. He raised a hand and cupped her cheek. "I'm so sorry." Then he leaned up and kissed her. She didn't lie, they were never more than friends. Maybe it could have been if they weren't torn apart but nothing ever happened. They had never kissed. And now he was kissing her. Her oldest, long-lost friend. She felt his warmth coming from his lips. But she froze. She didn't kiss back or moved away; she simply froze on the spot. He pulled back, letting his head rest on the furs.

"I didn't mean to." He stammered. "It's just... I saw-"

She pulled her hands back and sat on her heels. "You were talking in your sleep. Do you remember me?"

"No, I just dreamed about that day. I just remember hurting you." He reached up and caressed her burned shoulder. "The dream was blurry and in pieces, but I remember it." He wiped the sweat from his brow.

"How is that possible? That you remember but don't remember."

"I don't know. It's giving me a pounding headache; I can tell you that." He pressed his fists against his head.

"Sit up, poor little High Lord." She offered him a smile when he scowled up at her. He pushed himself up and leaned against the wall of the carriage. She grabbed a cloth from her backpack and dosed it with water. She kneeled between his legs and pressed the cold wet cloth against his head. With her hands on each side of his head, she massaged his temples with her index fingers. He hummed as he closed his eyes, relief flooded his face. "How does it feel?"

"Amazing. Thank you."

"Here I thought you forgot those words."

His lips curled upwards. "I use them, but only in very rare and special occasions."

"And this being one of them?"

He tilted his head back and she moved her hands a little. Her thumbs replaced her index fingers, while the rest of her fingers shifted in his hair.

"You sure you don't have healing powers?" He teased.

"I'm sure." She chuckled. "You used to get a lot of headaches back in the day. After your fights with your brothers or your father. You were very sensitive for it. Instead of going to the healers, you always found your way to me."

He opened his eyes and gazed up at her. "And you always took care of me like this?"


"In the dream -" She stopped rubbing circles on his temple. "I could feel my fear for you. My anger towards my brothers."

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