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"So, how do you know Rhys?" Cassian asked as she sipped her wine.

"He never told you?" Terrin asked surprised.

"He never mentioned he knew the Ghost." Azriel put in, his eyes curiously on hers. "Or anyone named Terrin."

She glanced at Rhys in surprise. "I thought you would have at least told them." She gestured to his best friends. She glanced back to the others when Rhys shrugged, his mouth full of food. "We met a little over three hundred years ago, after I left the Autumn Court."

"You're from the Autumn Court?" Feyre asked surprised, glancing between Lucien and Eris.

She hummed, nodding slightly. "I grew up in the Vanserra household actually." The room went silent.

"Besides the obvious -" Nesta shot a look at Eris. That look made her blood boil a little. Eris seemed unfazed but she could see his jaw twitch just a little. "- why did you leave?"

"Unforeseen circumstances arose." She said, taking another sip of her drink. ""Lucien and Eris were my best friends; we grew up together. It hurt me to leave but I had no other choice."

Eris looked down at his plate while Lucien glanced between the two of them.

"What ha-"

"She doesn't need to tell us if she doesn't want to." Rhys cut in sharply, making Nesta squint her eyes at him. Rhys knew all about what happened, he was the first one she met after, and she spilled everything to him. She shot him a grateful smile. "We have room for you here if you want. Or you can stay in the Inn down the street."

"Uhm." She glanced around the table, at all those curious glances at her. "Just for tonight." She nodded. "Then Azriel and I can leave in the morning."

Rhys nodded with a smile. He turned to Eris. "What about you, Vanserra?"

"I-" He blinked, turning his gaze away from her. "What?"

"Are you staying here or are you staying in the Inn?"

"The Inn." He said without hesitation. And she didn't know how to feel about that. Relieved? Disappointed? She sighed internally, confused by her own feelings.

"Terrin?" Amren asked, pulling her out of her thoughts. "Earlier you said that it's been a while since you've been with an Illirian." She smirked, glancing at Rhys.

She laughed. "Oh, no. Rhys and I, no. Never happened. I wasn't in the right state of mind when we met. But about a hundred years later, I was in one of those Illirian camps and I got acquainted with the twins."

"Megan and Derek?" Cassian asked, eyes wide. She nodded with a grin. "Gods, I thought they were celibate."

"Not that night." A smile crossed her face at the memory. "How are they?" Silence fell and the three Illirians looked down, faces filled with grief. "No." She whispered. "They died?"

"During the battle against Hybern." Cassian spoke softly.

"Oh, gods." She whispered. Tears forming in her eyes. If she would have been there, maybe she could have prevented their deaths. Maybe she could have -

"You couldn't have done anything to safe them, Terrin." Eris leaned forward, his voice soft.

"You don't know that."

"He is right, Terrin." Rhys had a surprised look on his face when he looked at Eris before he turned to me. "There was nothing you could have done to change that outcome."

"I -" She took in a long breath. "It's been a long day. Do you mind if I retire for the night? A hot bath and a book would do me some good right now."

"Of course." Feyre stood. "Do you want me to show you-"

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