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"Since you are escorting..." Kallias glanced at him with a scowl. "- him. I thought you wanted to stay close to him. So, I got your adjoining rooms." He gestured at the two doors. Terrin stiffened a little, something both males noticed. "Or if you don't -"

"No, it's okay."

Kallias placed his hands on her shoulders, looking down with a soft smile. "I know you are only staying for two nights. But you know you're always welcome to stay longer. We love having you here."

"I love it here too. Next time -" She glanced at Eris. "When I'm not so busy, I'll stay longer. To bond with that daughter of yours."

"I can't wait." He squeezed her shoulders before dropping his hands, he turned to walk away but glanced over his shoulder. "We know you probably don't have any party clothes in that bag of yours, so Viviane got you something." He winked and disappeared from the hallway.

Eris leaned against the wall across their rooms, crossing his arms over his chest. "So, your close with all the High Lords?"

"Not all, more than you, probably." She said, her face and tone neutral as she leaned against her door. "I've heard you had a reputation but seeing it..." She looked away.

It didn't take him long to get that reputation. It didn't take long for anyone to hate him, most of the time he didn't care. Most of the time... but the look on his mother's face, the look on her face. The obvious disappointment there. He didn't remember her, but she obviously remembered him. How he used to be. He remembered feeling happier, freer back then, even with his family. Was that all because of her?

"I did what needed to be done."

Her eyes flashed to him. Anger and again disappointment filled her eyes. He pretended he didn't care, didn't show any emotion on his face by her look. But deep inside...

"I'm going to get ready." She turned to her door.

"Terrin." He grasped her small wrist in his hand. She waited, looking over her shoulder to him with her bright green eyes. But he didn't know what to say. He just couldn't let her go in with that look on her face. "I -"

Her other hand rested on the one grabbing her wrist, her fingers going over the two dots, the two small scars. "You don't need to say anything. You are who you are now." She dropped her hand and opened the door. "Goodnight, Eris."

It felt cold without her hand on him, without her next to him. He watched her closed door for a long time before he went to his room.

She was sipping her wine, glancing at the party around her. Viviane had left her a beautiful red gown, the fabric smooth against her skin. The neckline was deep, showing off her full breasts. Viviane had gone all out on this dress, and she felt the eyes of several males upon her. Viviane and Kallias were dancing, their bodies close together. She was so happy for them, after what they've gone through. She still wasn't sure about the whole Mate thing, but they chose each other before they knew, they chose each other because they loved each other and for no other reason.

"It has been a while, Eve."

She turned to a familiar voice. Kellan, one of her frequent hook-ups from the Winter Court stood before her. His white hair a big contrast to his black suit. She smiled at him, broad and unfiltered.

"It has been a long time." She purred, tracing a finger over his broad arm. "Perhaps we should make up for lost time." She stepped closer.

Kellan swiped his bottom lip with his tongue, a grin broadening his face. His hands curled around her waist pulling her closer. "Maybe a dance first."

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