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When a guard knocked on her door with a large plate of food in his hands, she waited until she heard him leave. Then she walked up to Eris's room, but not before leaving the note Helion left her in her room. She knocked. He didn't answer. Knocked again. There was no food in front of his door, so she was sure he was in there. She was about to knock again when the door opened up.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was cold.

"I thought we might have dinner together." She lifted her plate.

"I thought you didn't want any company." He said, leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over each other.

She shrugged. "You're different." Something flashed in his eyes. "And besides, if I had dinner with Helion, he would not stop flirting."

He stepped away, letting her in his room. His room was much smaller than hers, still big and respectable for an heir, but not as fancy and nice as hers. She walked over to the queen's size bed instead of the little sitting area on the other side of the room and flopped down. Eris watched her for a long moment as she sipped her wine before he took his own plate and sat down beside her.

"I thought you would enjoy the attention of a High Lord."

She scowled. "Do you really think so lowly of me? It's not because I like to have sex, that I have sex with just anyone."

"But he isn't just anyone, is he?"

"Maybe I made a mistake coming here." She stood up but Eris grabbed her elbow softly.

"I'm just trying to understand you."

"No, you're accusing me." She ripped her arm out of his grasp, but before she could reach the door, Eris was in front of her. His warm, large hands rested on her bare shoulders. It warmed her whole body.

"I just -" He sighed. "Very few say no to Helion."

She looked up at him and said. "Nesta Archerson didn't fall for him." He stilled but still, he didn't breathe a word about his proposal to her. About the fact, he chose her as a potential life partner. She closed off her mind, her feelings, everything and took a step back. She crossed her arms over her chest and said. "Do you want to know why I don't accept his invitations?" She didn't wait for him to speak and said, "Because I know about his history with your mother. And Lady Lirone is like a second mother to me, that thought alone feels..." A shudder ran through her body. "So, me and Helion... never going to happen."

"You - you know about..."

"Yes, your mother told me when I found her crying as she held a small painting of him."

"Did you ever tell me?"

"No. She asked me not to. I never told anyone."

"Do you know about Luc-" She stepped forward and clapped her hand over his mouth.

"This room isn't protected from eavesdroppers." She whispered. "I know." She lowered her hand slowly, they were standing almost chest to chest now.

"How come you know everything?"

"I've told you it's part of my job."

"And that entails..." He tilted his head, the side of his lips lifted up. She had a hard time not looking at those lips, or to gaze too much into his eyes. Fucking hell!

She stepped back. "Let's just say most people would call me a spy." She sat back on the bed and started on her food again. Eris watched her as he came closer and sat back down next to her but didn't ask any more questions.

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