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Normally they would be on the road again by now but due to the snowstorm, they decided to stay another night. Normally Eris would hate staying here, but because of Terrin, his stay had been rather nice. He did notice the guards following him around the house in silence, but he couldn't really blame them. He would have done the same. Yesterday, he could see Terrin through the window as she held Aditta. Viviane and Kallias right behind them, the later had his arm thrown over the shoulder of his wife. He had seen how the white bears laid down on the snowy grass, how Aditta pulled and stroked on their furs, and they didn't move an inch. When Kallias looked up towards the window he was gazing out, he quickly stepped back and browsed through the books again.

He now sat in a large sunroom, the garden in front of him covered in snow. Thick snowflakes were still crashing down from the heavens, making the carpet of snow even higher. The white snow was almost blinding, probably was, wasn't it for the special tainted windows. Two strange things happened since yesterday, two things he'd never experienced before.

First, he was gods damned jealous when she left the party with some Fae male. Had to hear her moaning in pleasure the whole fucking night. Jealous. In his entire existence, he had never once been jealous. He wanted things, yes and he usually got them. But jealousy. Never. And now he was jealous about a woman he barely knew.

Second: longing. When he saw her holding Aditta, he longed for a family. With her. When Terrin said that Aditta was the most beautiful thing she ever laid eyes on, that was all he could think about when he looked at her. The other night when he arrived at the party, he stopped breathing for a second when he saw her. And he couldn't help but ask her to dance. And for a moment when he thought she was going to say no, it felt like the ground began crumbling down beneath him. They way she moved with him, it was like his body remembered her, even if he didn't. Dancing with Nesta was amazing, she looked beautiful and danced so gracefully, she captured his attention for a moment. But dancing with Terrin, it was like his body was made to follow her. Through every movement, through every step. Her movements weren't flawless, but she was absolutely mesmerizing.

Fuck! What was wrong with him. He let his head drop in his hands and groaned. He knew this woman for just a few days. How could he feel like this?

"Already regretting your decision to follow me to the Night Court?" Her voice came out amused. But when he turned, her face was void of emotion.

"It's not that." He followed her movements as she sat down on the armchair next to his, her eyes on the garden. "Think the storm will be over tomorrow?"

"So, desperate to get out of here?"

"For once, no." She slowly turned to him, surprise filling her face. "You don't have to look so surprised."

She laughed softly. And he wanted to bottle that sound up. "Well, that's a first." One side of his mouth tilted upwards.

"What?" Her laughter died down, but a smile remained on her lips. A true smile, not wide enough to show him the dimple in her cheek but close enough. His breath got stuck in his throat. The smile disappeared when she leaned forward, looking worried. "Eris." Fuck, the way she said his name made him suck in a breath. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He leaned back in his armchair. "I was just surprised you could laugh when I was the only one present."

She leaned back in her chair, her head tilted upwards, baring her throat. Her eyes were closed when she said. "You used to be one of the two who could make me laugh. Who could make me laugh until my stomach ached." Her head lolled to the side, his way, but her eyes remained closed. Those beautiful green eyes remained hidden behind her eyelids. "But apparently, you're not as funny anymore."

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