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"Hey! Where are you going?" Eris stopped her by grabbing her arm gently, just as she stepped out of Thesan's mansion.

She turned to him, and his hand dropped to his side. "I'm going to say goodbye to Walt."

"Isn't he meeting us soon?"

"No, it took a lot of pushing but I was finally able to convince Walt to stay with his family. He's been away from his family too long."

"He's a good male."

"That he is. We'll winnow the rest of the way."

"We're not taking the carriage?" He had his hair halfway up in a bun. It looked good on him, really good. His features more pronounced.

"I rather leave it here in Walt's care, then to have to leave it in the Day Court. The drapes aren't the only things not from around here. It's too rare and valuable. There are too many mountains in the Night Court, it would take too long with a carriage. And I don't see you horse riding all the way to Velaris and sleeping outside without shelter."

He opened his mouth to object but closed it. "Winnowing is fine."

"I thought so." She smirked. "I'll be back in two hours."

He clasped his hand behind his back. "Ah." He rocked a little on his heels. "So, I guess I'm not invited."

She blinked. "I - I didn't think you wanted to come along."

"I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of the city. I've never explored when I visited. Maybe you could show me around. And I would like to say goodbye to Walt after taking such good care of... us."

She took him in, his hands were still on his back as he slowly rocked. He was nervous, for some reason. "I'm not sure I want to be seen with you in public. Might hurt my reputation." She held back a grin.

"And what kind of reputation is that?" He still looked nervous, but a small smile appeared.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." She winked. He huffed out a laugh and followed her into the city.

She was a good tour guide. And it was obvious when they finally arrived at Walt's home, she had taken the long route. Not that he minded, she was tugging him in all different directions through the city. Telling him about the monuments, building, statues, everything they passed. People recognised him and stayed well away from him. But he barely registered it, his eyes were glued on her. He's a pro at finding his way, but if he had to walk back alone right now, he would get lost.

When they arrived at Walt's home, the elder Fae tried convincing Terrin to let him drive her to Velaris. But he knew she wouldn't budge; knew she wouldn't keep him from his family. Not when he saw how happy they were that he was back. They were all excited to see Terrin too. Walt's Mate was coddling her like a mother hen. She looked embarrassed by the attention but let her do whatever she wanted. She couldn't look him in the eye though.

"Can I speak to you for a moment, General?"

"Of course." He inclined his head a little. If Walt was surprised by the movement, he didn't let on. He just walked out of the house. When he stepped out behind him, he said. "I wanted to thank you, Walt. For the way you looked out for Terrin all these years. She is very fond of you."

"Miss Terrin is my family. I would never stop looking out for her." Walt straightened up. "That's why I wanted to talk to you." Eris inclined his head a little again to show he was listening. "Miss Terrin informed me about what happened in the Autumn Court. About the curse."

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