Part 1: The Final Straw

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It's now June in Chicago, Illinois. Everyone in town is getting ready for their big plans for three months of fun.

Meanwhile, the Intelligence Unit of the 21st District police department is hard at work on their latest case, an armed robbery shooting. Jay was able to track down a Good Samaritan who tried to help an injured man at the scene. Her name is Michelle and she works at a floral shop in Bridgeport. Jay decided to go in, while his partner, Hailey stayed in the truck to run photographic evidence through their computer system.

Jay walked into the shop to see Michelle behind the register and a teenage girl on the left stacking different sized flower pots.

"Excuse me? Maybe you can help me?" he said to get her attention.

Michelle looked up and immediately recognized Jay from the aftermath of the robbery shooting.

"Kiera, why don't you head to the office and start your homework?" Michelle said to give a hint to her daughter.

"Mom, I graduated last weekend. You know I don't have homework." Kiera responded.

"Right, sorry. My mind is all over the place. How about you go refill the watering cans?" Michelle asked.

"Yes ma'am." Kiera said, then walked to the back of the store.

"She seems like a good kid." Jay said.

"Yeah, and growing up too fast. Time is just slipping away from us." Michelle said.

"So, you do have a daughter. At least that part's true." Jay said.

"How did you find me?" Michelle asked.

"You gave me your business card at the crime scene a few hours ago. How about we start over, tell me your real name?" Jay said.

"Michelle Sullivan." she answered.

"Why'd you give me false information?" Jay asked.

"I didn't want to get involved with the police. A lot's been going on and it was the last thing I needed in the mix." Michelle explained.

"We have a witness that said you were wandering outside at the time of the robbery. But, you claim to be shopping inside a store when you heard gunshots." Jay explained.

"It happened so fast and I wasn't thinking straight." Michelle said.

Jay had a feeling that he wasn't buying any of it.

"Are you involved with the robbery?" he asked.

Before Michelle could answer, her attention moved to a man walking towards the shop. Jay turned around to see what she was looking at.

"If you're in some kind of trouble, you know I can help you." Jay stated.

"No, you can't." Michelle quickly answered.

The man walked into the floral shop and walked behind the counter to be next to Michelle.

"Hey, baby." he said to her, then kissed her on the cheek.

"Hi." Michelle softly said.

Jay took it that this man was her husband.

"Where's Kiera?" her husband asked.

"She's in the back, refilling the watering cans." Michelle answered.

"You okay?" he asked his wife.

"Oh, yeah. I'm just helping a customer." Michelle said.

"Who are you getting flowers for?" the husband asked Jay.

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