Part 4: Undercover

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Jay and Kiera are at the local gym. He reserved a private room to teach Kiera some self-defense moves and skills that he learned in the police academy just in case someone or something happens to her while her abuse case is still open. They practiced with the self-defense keychain, getting out of restraints, and physical escapes.

Jay just got done teaching Kiera a move if someone grabs her by the hair and they're about to move on to the next thing.

"Turn around." Jay instructed.

"Why?" Kiera asked.

"I'm gonna teach you the next move." Jay said.

With that, Kiera folds her arms and turns around. Jay goes to his bag and pulls out a prop knife. He swiftly grabs Kiera from behind and puts the prop knife to her neck.

"Let's see how you can get out of this." Jay said into her ear.

"First, can you please lighten your grip?" Kiera asked.

Then, Jay loosens his grip on her, which made Kiera relax.

"Second, you could've given me a heads up." she said.

"Where's the fun in that?" Jay smirked.

Kiera just rolled her eyes.

"Now, put both hands on the arm that holds the weapon. Then, twist under." Jay instructs.

Kiera does as instructed, then the prop knife was twisted out of his hand.

"Nice. Where do you think you'd go from there?" Jay asked.

Kiera had a thought and put it into action. She twisted Jay's right arm behind his back and pushed him down to the floor.

"Okay, get off me!" Jay grunted.

Then, Kiera let off. Jay rolled over on his back and held his right arm in pain.

"Geez. You could've given me a heads up." Jay said.

"Now, where's the fun in that?" Kiera asked, repeating his comment from earlier.

"Very funny." Jay said, then offered his hand.

Kiera grabbed it and helped him off the floor.

"We gotta head back." Jay said, then they gathered their things and left the gym.

Kiera knew a good smoothie place around the corner, so they stopped to get something. The apartment building wasn't far from where they were at, so they just walked. They played 'Would You Rather' as they waited for their orders. Once they got their drinks, they headed home.

"Man, this is delicious." Jay said after he took another sip of his smoothie.

"I knew you would like it. OJ Mangoes has the best smoothies." Kiera said.

"My turn, I got a good one. Would you rather go skydiving or swim with sharks?" Jay asked.

"Easy, go skydiving." Kiera answered.

"Seriously? Being a scuba diver, you wouldn't wanna swim with sharks?" Jay questioned.

"Oh, hell to the no. You'd never get me to swim with sharks." Kiera said.

They walked past a group of guys in a small parking lot, working on a car. Jay noticed that one of them was staring at Kiera, then he heard a whistle.

"Hey! Why don't you bring that ass over to my place some time, girl? I'll let you in." the dude said, then touched his crotch.

Kiera felt offended and Jay noticed instantly. He then hands her his police badge and smoothie cup.

"Oh, let it go." Kiera said to him.

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