Part 12: Goodbye

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After thinking it over and doing some research, Kiera decides to switch her major from Marine Biology to Criminal Justice. Thankfully, an advisor was available over the phone to help her through the process of changing her schedule and swapping out the textbooks.

Kiera shut down her laptop and put it back in her room. She got up from the couch and went down the hallway. She walked through Jay's bedroom and went out onto the balcony. The cool breeze felt nice in the summer heat and the sight of the city was a nice change of scenery. Kiera couldn't believe how fast this summer has flown by. She pulled out her phone and played her music on shuffle to take her mind off of college.

Meanwhile, Jay and Hailey were in the surveillance van, listening in on a drug-bust deal that Kevin and Vanessa are trying to make with the suspects they're trying to catch.

Hailey had her focus locked on everything that was coming from the wires and cameras. Jay wasn't paying attention because he was on his phone, scrolling through pictures of him and Kiera.

"Jay!" Hailey said to get his attention.

"What?" he questioned.

"This is the third time today I've caught you on your phone. What's up with you?" Hailey asked.

"Sorry. I can't stop thinking about Kiera going off to college now. I just wish I had more time with her." Jay explained, putting his phone in his pocket.

"I get it. But, on the other hand, you can't let that distract you from your job. Besides, she's only gonna be ten minutes away; you can see her anytime and vice versa." Hailey pointed out.


It's the day for Kiera to move onto the college campus. Jay takes the day off from work to help Kiera move on to campus, even though the college is only ten minutes away.

The two of them are eating breakfast together at the island.

"So, how do you wanna do this?" Jay asked.

"I say let's pack up everything here, then go to Mom's house to pack up the rest of my stuff since she'll be moving out at the end of the month." Kiera explained.

"Has your Mom reached out to you?" Jay asked, while putting his dishes in the dishwasher.

"Just a few texts here and there, but not long conversations." Kiera said.

"Do you need help packing up your stuff?" Jay offered.

"I think I got it, but you can just take everything down to your truck." Kiera said, then got up from the island.

"You got it." Jay said.

Kiera went to her room to start packing up her stuff. There were a few moments where she was reminiscing about first moving in. She pulled out her clothes from the dresser, packed up her toiletries from the bathroom, and grabbed her watercolor supplies and books from the desk. The last thing that she packed was her dolphin stuffed animal that sat on the pillows. Kiera stuffed it in her backpack, then put it on her back and grabbed her suitcase and scuba duffel bag.

She walked out to the living room where Jay was standing by the door.

"You got everything?" he asked.

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