Part 8: Kops & Kids

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It's a slow day at the 21st District and everyone in Intelligence was getting bored.

"Looks like the criminals decided to take the day off." Adam said to break the silence.

"Tell me about it." Vanessa commented.

"We haven't had a day like this since the last time we went through taser certification." Kevin said.

"Please, don't bring that up." Jay said with a sharp tone of voice.

"Why? Cause you got hit where it hurt?" Antonio questioned.

Jay shot him a look and Antonio backed off.

"What was that about?" Hailey asked him from her desk.

"Uhh, it's best that you don't know." Jay simply said.

That conversation ended when Hank walked out of his office.

"Since it's a slow day, how about we discuss our summer event that's on Saturday?" he said as he went over to the blank whiteboard.

That got everyone's attention and they got excited, but Vanessa was a little confused since she's still a little new to in Intelligence.

"Sarge? Mind if I ask what we're talking about?" she said to him.

"Every summer, the District hosts an event called "Kops & Kids" to help build healthy relationships between the police force and the local kids in the community, as well as educating parents about the warning signs that their teenage kids or family members might be involved in criminal activity." Hank explained.

"That sounds cool." Vanessa said.

Hank wrote out all the event jobs on the whiteboard. Two people are needed per station.

"Trudy and I got the parent seminar covered. So, everyone else can pick their poison." Hank said.

"Kev and I can cover the equipment table." Adam volunteered, then they shared a fist bump.

Hank wrote down their names on the whiteboard as they volunteered for the different stations.

"Hailey, would you wanna help me with refreshments?" Kim asked her.

"Sure, why not?" Hailey answered.

"Let me warn you, the kids go crazy over the popsicles." Kim said.

"Well, who wouldn't?" Hailey questioned.

"Sarge, I'd like to show the police vehicles again." Jay volunteered.

"I second that." Antonio added.

"I can do the face painting, but it looks like I'd be flying solo." Vanessa volunteered.

"Jay, do you think Kiera would be interested in volunteering?" Hank asked.

"I'm sure she would. She likes working with us and she loves kids. To her, that's the best of both worlds." Jay responded.

"All right, that covers everything. We'll have to get everything for the stations the day before and you guys gotta be here early that day to help set up. Also, remember to wear your Kops & Kids T-shirts that day." Hank reminded.

About an hour had gone by and no calls had come in, so Hank let everyone in Intelligence clock out early.

Jay walked out to his truck and drove back home. He got off the elevator on the 5th floor and walked down the hallway to his apartment. He unlocked the door and walked in.

"Hey, Kiera. Can you come here, please?" Jay called out.

A few minutes later, Kiera walked out to the living room from the opposite side of the apartment, where the laundry room was.

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